LSD 3/2010 ASW - Divine Power/Human Thought in Generous Allowance whose intentional Purpose is "Wonder in Compassion"



Letter of Spiritual Direction for March 2010 by Willow Tequillo, Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

Conceptual Constructs for this Letter of Spiritual Direction:

Ascended Wisdom Matrix for 03-2010 = Divine Power/Human Thought in Generous Allowance whose intentional purpose is 'Wonder in Compassion'.

Sacred Geometric: 03-17-2010

5th Awareness: I feel the breath of life flow freely through my spinal cord bringing life force to my limbs and each cell of my body. Through my physical body I feel the Emotion of Breath.

Spring Equinox 03-21-2010
Sun in Aries as Cardinal Fire (First Fire for the New Year) sets in motion change and movement, bringing our light from the inner core of Winter Solstice into the outer world through bud and branch. Arrows of change and movement help us to stretch and awaken from our sleepy underground. Pushing through like the ram, first buds of seedlings, bulbs and root systems find their way above ground as crocus, fern and lify. We enter this new time with ancient dreams m new light reflection.

First Quarter Moon as Divine Feminine
= cooperating with cosmic consciousness
= reflecting spiritual awakening as cosmic unity of sacred union
= experiencing light (fire) within matter as perfection in union initiated by the Divine Masculine
= harmonizing the fire of union by co-creation of structure and discipline of sacred union Limitations giving boundaries to safely co-create in. Co-creating the inner and outer circle.

Message of Transformation of 4th world energies into 5th World Awareness of the Sacred Union

"I honor what I know and let go of the attachment to Being stagnate."

Ego/Soul conversation of discerning Trust.
"It comes up for me. Am I in my center, am I in balance as I move through these inner passages of unknowing? The vibrations sit still in my heart, ever so lightly chiming into form. New beginnings, what I have been seeking my whole life? Options and demands of the outside wanting to 'know' yet the inner building, the heart of the form is not to be rushed.

I want to play. I want to forget my commitments to sacrifice, to people and to ways of painful resolution. I want to walk my path in beautiful splendor. Finally my own body begs me to let go of concessions to pain. Let go of disassociation to my fullest (our fullest) potential and meaning. Let go of attachment to disappointment from others which leave us stagnate in our lives and in our hearts. I want to play in the delight of our dream, experiencing and exploring our lives as ensouled Beings. Balanced in the co-creative dance of harmony.

I remind you that Harmony resides and resonates as an etheric peace within, and with you and me. And like the silence of a plant ever so slightly moving toward the sun - unable to be moved in balance on the outside without being in balance within.

I move so deeply within the desire of peaceful harmony. Point of light inside the great mystery of our inner most Being. I move through the deep caverns in soul, for resolution of our commitments in chaos to end. I feel saddened walking away from sacrificial ways of Being, as my own inner and outer Spiritual Guide 'FEAR' does so adamantly take the violent way of resolution yet has kept me enclosed in a safety net till now. I can no longer support this belief though I do support the process. So it is through my (our) inner transformation and transcendence that we must Jump into new light resolute and determined to move forward in peaceful ease. I honor what I know. I honor that my (our) movement must be in harmony with peaceful ease which creates the sanctuary of equanimity. I know that I must give up, let go of, that which does not support our experience of equanimity in our Being, our Oneness. I must let go of another's belief, realizing that to hold on to 'belief' which is not mine is an attachment to being stagnate. This holding on to that which is not mine simply creates blocks or supports blocks of isolation..... even if I do not understand how this happens. I must follow the golden river of light, and I invite you to join me.

Within the surface etheric body of this river of life's light, the union of light and water, first kiss of Great Spirit and Great Mystery, we two do unite as one harmony co-creating first dawn of New World Formation. Together we breathe deeply the beautiful splendor of our new life form, gracefully cherishing that which is honored in equanimity.

The Beauty Way - Sensory perception of Sacred Union in 5th Awareness

Today, spring equinox, we become to the outer world, the inner core reflection of hope.

"I am the breath of life in and out of the channels of my throat. I find moments of silence between the breath in and the breath out."

I know myself to be the breath of life in and out of the channels of my throat as I give up the stagnate within and I move outward with ease into the first fire light of my core. I know myself to be the stillness between two worlds, seeing both, honoring both, desiring a peaceful uniting transition of two made one.

Prayer of Spring Equinox:

Divine truth of first intention made manifest. You are the sacred reflection of that which lives inside of each of us, your wisdom is the pathway of passionate living in passageways of strength in graceful cherishment of our lives. You are forever and eternal always moving, evolving, transcending common thought, exploring self and other as one. You hold sacred your creation; 'for' and 'in' the purpose of blending, meshing, enfolding and yet even more. You are more of which has no name. For you and from you, do we offer our song and dance in gratitude for our lives today.

My beloved life, my celebration of 'Being' in Graceful Cherishment,
You quicken my heart and make me want to remember eternity.
You give the bland flavor.
You give color to the dull.
You give laughter and joy to the silent void, the silent caverns of nothingness.

You bring
scent to the cellular memory,
pleasure to shape,
form and color to the eye,
smooth and inviting texture to the experience of tough.

It is in this space of passionate experience of living that you bring forth delight, health, wellbeing, bliss care and ease. You bring forth memories from eternity helping us to re-member that from which we are made. Selah.

And as the sun light up our world, so does this light enter into our very core, streaming deeply into our ancestral root systems, reminding us of the eternal dream that we are now bringing to light in this life time, this gyration of evolution. Taking that which is inside of us to the outside, in sacred geometric forms of thought, matter, emotion = ing (equaling), 'Experience'. In this deep consideration within the 'silence', you cause us to accept this blessedness that we are; though we are so very limited in understanding our experience of ourselves as justified. It is only in this silence between the breath in and the breath out that we are minutely able to so nobly begin to understand your desire, and ourselves as your delight. And so we do in humbled humility, sing the Beauty Way of Living, hoping to create clearer pathways to eternal memory. Selah.

Dear Spirit of Hope you touch the very matter of our lives, you connect our knowings with our unknowing in perfect circle and unity. You re-MIND us of the perfect 5th, the C and G note of center in balance in the matrix of ascension.

You give our minds a new way of thinking and experiencing life. You light up our hearts, causing emanations of song and dance to resound outwardly from our core star within. And so it is, that when we look our through our inner eye (your eye), our world is of color, form and sound, gracefully cherishing in natural order, that which is above/below and that which is within/without, all equaling ONENESS.

In co-operative elemental form and direction, we as spiritual earth and spiritual cosmos, become united in sacred union with all that is.

Blue sky/brown diirt
White tree/gentle breeze

Everywhere we 'see' with eyes undimmed, through undimmed eyes.
And gracefully we breathe the breath of life's health and well being through our spinal cord emanating from the song of our souls - life force, the Soul Song Body of the Universe.
As ego/soul we do cherish the enraptured moments; memories list of what came before, reminding us, that today we have freedom to experience the bliss of this present moment in grateful gratitude.

We know you 'love' as the melting drops of snow outside our windows. WE feel, we sense, we ponder the physical Being of gratitude that we are becoming, the new vision and the new experience of a new way of being present in our lives. The potential for new dreams of unified self do spark a desire so deeply endearing and enduring. WE grow into our knowing that we are New Earth Formation.

Dirt, matter, memory keeper of elemental Spiritual Earth Cosmos. Waters refreshing form pouring spirits rainbows reflection in every drop of water. You melt away crystal memories of earth and heaven through cycles and waves of universal dreams. You breathe new dream, new visions in your expansion and contraction of universal experience; of which we are a part of through our own experience of our lives as individual and collective.

WE surrender as we melt with you into the humus, silky dirt. We strong mountains of mineral melt into the crystalline nature of golden rivers of galactic light and we find ourselves to be delightfully refined.

Universal Body of Matter, we become your matter, returning once again to flowing eternal particles, singing reflections of qualities in color and sound in harmonic new world form.

We feminine matter as aspen tree once sung into being through the quality of unity. WE aspire and desire to stay here upon the earth plane, to grow and connect upward through branch and downward through root. Our leaves the reminders for our sisters and brothers of our passionate heart beat together as one living organism, one community of like mind and like heart.

Through the quality of hope, we reach ourselves high, stretching tall from the star light within us to the star light without us. We are interconnected and rooted in this desire.

Through the quality of Faith, we are one grove, one community and we are held by pine. Pine masculine, strong, sturdy, prickly, fruitions in seed, feeding our relations through seed in cone. Pine, giving Aspen the opportunity to co-create gentle and sustainable places, sanctuaries for welcoming soft grasses. Places of rest and renewal.

Willow tree and Sun
Bending, flowering, centered in balance between the worlds of masculine and feminine, aspen and pine, elements and directions. Dancing, branching, rays, leaves and particles of freedoms harmony, beloved.

Sheltering in center
inviting play
inviting dance

It is the dawn of a new time. WE are the new world formation. WE are the dawn of first lights fire, the kindly of cardinal direction. We face the east. In this fire these stated qualities do emanate from winters spark, nurturing and birthing the very Being of ourselves as universal dream. It is for one another that we become the ember, the amber, the anchor.
The sacred reflections of light/dark, mother/father, son/daughter, sun/moon, voice to sound, flavor to taste, sensation to touch, step to dance..........
we become the affirmation and resolution to sight.

We are the myelin sheath, the ensouled Being Inlove. We are the very particle of vibrationary resonance. We are the golden sounds of graceful cherishment. We are the elixir for worlds seeking to merge, blend, mesh and unite in seamless oneness. WE are co-creators of passionate passageways of strength in truth of happiness. We are the eternal expression of life in grateful gratitude. Blessed be.

Amethyst Essene's *****In this deep and abiding eternal love, we know that the task of life is not soley our own but is US as WE. WE are world leaders in finding gentle and easy pathways as New World Form. Our commitment to peaceful ease is a dedication and devotion which surpasses the common understanding or goals of worlds still in chaos. We must stay focused within the experience of beauty. Beauty in Joy is the goal of Happiness. Happiness is loves co-creating spiraling pathway of sustainable graceful cherishment. Graceful Cherishment creates pathways of PEACE. We 'are' Divinely Human Powerful Thoughts which carry the Divine and Human Minds Truth of healing energies of peace on every level. We are the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine in Sacred Union. We 'are' new vision and view of the landscape from which the heart of new creation is being made. Let us co-creatively ascend together in faith of happiness in peace.

Let us remember who we are and experience our life accordingly.

Inlove and Peace,

Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

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