LSD 4/2010 Awakening Contemplations: Ascended Wisdom Matrix Teachings-Seventh Awareness

The Wave of the Universe IS the Wisdom of Love


by Willow Tequillo


Understanding wave of the universe is the wisdom to love.

Wisdom to Love is the first spark of the individual's personal conscious choice to participate in the freewill of living this present incarnation.

This choice ignites the energy of life force by uniting and strengthening the golden rainbow threads of 'Universal Waves'.

Ignited personal wisdom supports the dreams of Universal Oneness
within the higher realms of Spiritual Cosmos and lower realms of Spiritual Earth.
The sacred geometric shape of the diamond represents the pillars which support Divine and individual Dream.

This individual conscious understanding of love as 'the primal energetic relationship' connects all that is above and all that is below and moves up and moves down through the universes.

The connection of love through wisdom dreams the support as divine love though all bodies. This intertwining thread connects all life in the energetic flow of surrender and trust.

The idea of 'separation' as scarcity is let go of. The idea of 'separation' as the heart song of wisdom is birthed as joy and beauty in Compassion.



Formula Considerations for contemplation and exercises
Ascended Wisdom Matrix # 246, Thread 3, 16 Awakening Universal Co-Operation

1 Universal Mind in Dignified Truth
Geometric Symbol and relationship to ascending qualities
Divine and Human Mind = Magenta Dot
Dignified = Turquoise Infinity Symbol held by the Star of David (ascending and descending triangles)
Truth = Golden Orange Spiraling Diamond



Awakening involves:

Universal (Divine Human) Co-Operation, Unified embodied ensouled as IS, Universal Mind in Dignified Truth, Universal Body of Matter in Humbled Humility, Universal Faith Knowing Genuine Unity.

  1. Co-Operation begins in the center of Compassion and always originates in genuine unity through (held) by faithful knowing of Common Union. Thus Co-Creating a sense aesthetic of Awe which Furthers or develops the energy of the thought into powerful form.

  2. Co-Operation has the capacity to think outside of compassion Co-Creating Communion which Becomes dualistic and linear.

When faith connects with thoughts which support (any 4) aspects (aspects being Home, Vehicle, Partnership, Family, Friends, Ego, Soul, Work), a harmonic of equilibrium is created to sustain a Vibrational quality unique to the group.

  • The Four Elements can co-create any form on the earth plane
  • Planetary systems can hold gravitational balance, 4X3=12 planets
  • 4 colors of the wheel
  • 4 archangels
  • 4 note forms
  • 4 directions
  • 4 trinities will complete the matrix of co-creation thus allowing for Ascension

****** In regard to healing of any physical form, when consideration of any 4 Aspects meet with 4 Qualities of like harmonic and contain desired intention, healing "will" occur instantaneously due to the above considerations = (ing) access through Magic (Communion of 4 Aspects, 3 Qualities is the lowest common form which co-creates the manifested form of intention).

Humility is a pathway of access through Miracles as Magic holds the circle for Miracles to move Within and without. Miracles simply exist in the Body of Matter as a universal wave of memory of all that is simply accessible through fluid flow, ie. The Myelin of the nervous system. Belief supports Miracle. Lack of Belief disintegrates emotional integrity of Miracle Co-Operation within the Universal Body of Matter is therefore keenly supported by humbled humility in Belief in surrendering self concepts of knowing to faith in Universal inspiration of co-creative happiness. Lack of humility humus in humbled state creates contractions of a binding matter and must be hardened and broken in order to become co-operative. The Divine Human Body of Matter must consciously awaken to the Existence of Miracle as a state of Being.


Miracles are the Co-operative Manifestation of Co-Creative Existence as All life is a Miracle.
Co-created through Universal Mind embodying Universal Body of Matter in Faithful Knowing.

Again, Universal Mind in Dignified Truth embodies Universal Body of Matter in Humbled Humility through Faithful Knowing of Genuine Unity. i.e.: EgoSoul/Ensoulment/Sacred Marriage/Unity.

At this point,

Point 1** Empathic Compassion is fully developed as it fully embodies Universal Body of Matter and Soul Manifestation as Truth.

Point 2** Validity of each as One Sacred Reflection of Great Compassionate capacity become evident through the Great Mystery thus greater awakening and enlightenment are lit and compassionate faith becomes dignified.

Point 3** Becoming points of light which light up the Mind of Consciousness Awakening the Divine Human Being.

Point 4** Faith Inspires Hope Becoming Graceful Cherishment of 'IS'.

Point 5** Emotions as IS become the memory of the Akasic wisdom in adoration as enlightened Conscious Awakened Mind held by soul Memory of Self Manifesting as Beautiful Splendor of to for from "Life" Celebration in Peaceful Happiness.

Sympathetic Compassion Divine Potential
__________________________________________________ beginning point of awakening
Empathic Compassion Human Frailty

Assignment regarding Awakening through EnSoul-ment:

In consideration of "As IS Above So IS Below"

Week 1 - Question #1: How are Divine Potential and Human Frailty reflections of one another?

Week 2 - Question #2: Use the following pattern to obtain an intense and clear inner reflection of Personal Truth through Human and Divine Truth in unison: i.e. Ensouled understanding which is derived from the human and divine embodiment through understanding the inner core of personal truth. Write at length about each using the points on page 4. Use your supreme quality to express and share your understanding.

Week #3. 'Without' referring to 'that which is without'

Week #4. 'Becoming' referring to 'that which is like'

Week #5. 'Only like this' referring to 'the meaning is truth'

Week #6. 'Just doing this' referring to 'just like this'

Weeks Seven through 10 Use the formula with your Small Group to manifest something.

* Record your processes of experiment and experience in your gallery section called "7th Awareness"

* Special Note: Maintain your 5th Awareness contemplations as an emotional binder.

This is an individual and small group assignment to be completed as your primary work as follows:

Zawatee this is your primary focus.

Whale Song Dreamers, I would like to see this as an ongoing process for your group. Please let me know how you will maintain a stable and comfortable exploration of this assignment. Be mindful of where each of you are in your individual processes as that is your main focus.

New World Memory Keepers, you are to continue with the final stretch with your 3rd Awareness. Maintain your 5th Awareness as a steady place to get you through the 3rd Awareness. You may individually examine this awareness; it is not your primary focus and is to be considered as a global thought wave which supports the opening to higher realms of contemplative thought.

Ruthie and Jodi, please continue with your small groups NOTE you will NOT be taking this work into your small group.

Do NOT Share the Forms with others outside of NBH. The work is too complex and will only serve to confuse and diminish the intention and valued simple complexity of what we are trying to accomplish.

Have fun love,

Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide

Assignment 5 - Due April 4th

Prayer of Great Mystery and Great Spirit in first Breath of One as Two/Two as One:
May the Kiss spark gentle and beautiful passion.
May the warmth of our breath bring sweet delightful Peace
May our Joy bring Hope to all Beings
May we RE-member/remember always in All Ways
That we are LOVE

5th Awareness contemplation:

I feel the breath of life flow freely through my spinal cord bringing life force to my limbs and each cell of my body
Through my physical body I experience the Emotion of Breath.

Where does this breath begin and end?
As I experience my oneness with the nature around me,
How does my breath become 'one' with common experience of all that is?

As I awaken to the transition of the full moon this night
I find myself dreaming of a gentle walk upon the tallest branches of the white pine
Spring time warming the white branches and hardy needles uncovered, drying from lite winter snow fall.
I walk tenderly, like spirit of breath.
As I breath, golden drops of life force seep slowly through the cells of the limbs
feeding the bark held tight and solid by winter cold;
I blow a breath of inner warmth and pollen loosens from violet fruit.
I smell the scent of pine ripen
and whiffs of new life consolidate within the air
surrounding me with hope
ascending me
drawing me deeper into a world outside of the inner caverns
Fullest moon of this last day of March
Thoughts of divine power giving lasting hope for this 3 year
lending stable considerations of equanimity on the top of branches
on the top of mountains
still receiving moisture from the cloud people.
My own breath, one breath of warmth
from the inner caverns of my hope
commingling with divine hope of a peaceful and playful world.

Where does this hope come from?
This hope of a world of peaceful consideration?
I hear three chimes come through the universal breath.
My ears perk up wondering if there is a 'chime' somewhere in the distance
that I do not see. Nothing.
I realize the universe is calling me to an eternity that is not common
A universal song is being born
A memory of sounds so infinitely distant from my own understanding
Had I almost forgotten this sound?

A single set of tones
did they come from within or without?
I do not know.
I know that the clarity which runs through me awakens a song yet to be sung.
Like the spark of light within
the sound of universal song without
does beckon me to consider a delight outside of this inner winters cave.

From the door steps of my winter nest I awaken my slumber
and consider the potential of taking steps unknown
to places unknown
following a song, a set of chimes, a divine call
I am not afraid
I am inspired to bring music to my thoughts, words, deeds and actions.

Joy lives in the music of breath
Beauty seeks joy
color and sound in geometric forms of co-creation
ascending into a new formation
a new yet old universal dance.

As spring approaches again
my limbs and bones ready from warm nights
to explore the inspiration of inner and outer creativity.
One Earth, One Spirit preparing for adventures yet to be discovered.
Intentions of one life united from many life times
culminating in the essence of this single moment in time and space.
Vibrations set in three single chimes of purest sound heard through eternity
In past, present and future,

Golden particles of light reflect colors which fall through rainbows awakening
Gifts of manna floating from heavenly matter
blessings, gifts of life from angel baskets, purses
showering our land, our earth with heavenly breath
wishes, hopes, considerations
to become joyful fruition of one common peace.

I choose to dance among these vibrations
to fill my lungs with this breath of eternal peace
to resonate
to awaken within me the deep common tones
held deep within the recesses of this physical form.
I call forth the sound from within
lifting the song laid dormant within the bowels of this human form.

I am eager to discover this unified breath which flows through me,
Sound, word, song
dance, color, wind
breath, water, fire
earth, humus that I am, you are, we are

New hope chimes through me as I dance upon the branches of white pine.
Inspiration, consideration,
golden flakes, particles of pollen
waves of universal accompaniment
one orchestra
one unified voice in color, light and form

together we enter into the wave of magic
where heaven and earth know self to be one
and our steps are lightened by the fluidity of one common intention
set in the infinite and eternal place called Presence,
Presence, this single moment of Now,

And I am grateful within the stillness of breath with holds sacred the fire
within each cell of my physical form.
I am grateful from the breath which flows through my limbs
causing me to be form which moves freely
independently, commonly
with like spirits
Injoy I seek my breath to breath hope to our world yet awakening from the
slumber of resistance.
Injoy I breath the breath of hope of an easier way
a way freer for the human spirit.
Injoy and in peaceful ease,
on this full moon of powerful thoughts
I celebrate a new beginning in fullest light
calling upon great eternal mother to remember her intentions of birth
of life, of creativity, of laughter, of tender mercies

Today I pray for our world our universe
I pray for our world and universes within each of us
to remember and re-member the star light that we are born from
that as we breath out
let our breath be the breath of peaceful ease

I pray for our steps to be steps of surefooted consideration
which holds the fire of inspiration and creativity honoring the gentle
pathways of peaceful peoples.
Remembering that we are the hope which holds the cellular memory
of existence
our hope being the cell which can be strong, fluid and healthy
reliable through eternity
infinitely sure and sound
travelling through eons of time and space.

I pray that we remember who we are
and that we take time (through the magic of this transition of worlds)
to hear the harmony of our voices, our breaths, our very makeup
that we may be the tender mercies reflective of one universal creation.
May our breath be common, of one passionate way,
threads weaving and waving
swaying eternally
until all life knows of the tender caring love from which it is born
and all know the eternity which makes us ONE Universal Dream.

Inloving peace,

Assignment 5 - Due April 4th

Prayer of Great Mystery and Great Spirit in first Breath of One as Two/Twice as One:
May the Kiss spark gentle and beautiful passion.
May the warmth of our breath bring sweet delightful Peace
May our Joy bring Hope to all Beings
May we RE-Member/remember always In All Ways
That we are LOVE

5th Awareness contemplation:
I feel the breath of life flow freely through my spinal cord bringing life force to my limbs and each cell of my body
Through my physical body I experience the Emotion of Breath

Where does this breath begin and end?
As I experience my oneness with the nature around me,
How does my breath become 'one' with common experience of all that is?

Assignment 6 - Due April 12th

Prayer of Great Mystery and Great Spirit in first Breath of One as Two/Two as One:
May the Kiss spark gentle and beautiful passion.
May the warmth of our breath bring sweet delightful Peace
May our Joy bring Hope to all Beings
May we RE Member/remember always in All Ways
That we are LOVE

5th Awareness contemplation:
The physical breath connects me with my physical world as Spiritual Earth;
I am the colors of the wind.

What color am I? And how do I know myself as one with the colors of my life?

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024