5/2010 Letter of Spiritual Awareness

Letter of Spiritual Awareness

For the meeting:

Consider the following statement.

Use the 5th Awareness:

The Physical Breath connects me with my physical world as Spiritual Earth
I am the sap of the tree.

And as the sun lights up our world, so does this light enter into our very core, streaming deeply into our ancestral root systems, reminding us of the eternal dream that we are now bringing to light in this life time, this gyration of evolution. Taking that which is inside of us to the outside, in sacred geometric forms of thought, matter, emotion = ing ( equaling), 'Experience'. In this deep consideration within the 'silence', you cause us to accept this blessedness that we are; though we are so very limited in understanding our experience of ourselves as justified. It is only in this silence between the breath in and the breath out that we are minutely able to so nobly begin to understand your desire, and ourselves as your delight. And so we do in humbled humility, sing the Beauty Way of Living, hoping to create clearer pathways to eternal memory. Selah.

Speak as a group and post your individual contemplation in the community formation section and in your 5th awareness sections.

Discuss how you are doing with the contemplations.
New Breed Healers you are coming out of silence this month.
It is important for you to be talking about your experiences.

Inlove and gratitude,

NBH/VAV Community Threads

Revision 5-2010

Part II - Ascended Wisdom Matrix - Steps in the Dance

After reading part one, let us consider our own contribution this year to the advancement of self and other in common ease and gentle peace. If you do not know what Thread you are on, simply, without much thought, state your Favorite Number. This comes easily from the Soul.
This is your Soul journey thread and the one which your ego is in agreement with.
This is advanced work. Simply take what comes to you easily and work with it.

Thread One
Divine Mind/Human Mind in the Quality of Truth
The Unified Quality of Dignified Truth
The intentional purpose of Awakening Co-Operation

Thread Two
Divine Charity/Human Idea in the Quality of Trust
The Unified Quality of Noble Trust
The intentional purpose of Wonder in Compassion

Thread Three
Divine Power/Human Thought in the Quality of Allowance
The Unified Quality of Generous Allowance
The intentional purpose of Acceptance in Miracle

Thread Four
Divine Magic/Human Magic in the Quality of Faith
The Unified Quality of Courageous Faith
The intentional purpose of Acceptance in Miracle

Thread Five
Divine Body/Human Matter in the Quality of Humility
The Unified Quality of Humbled Humility
The intentional purpose of Awe in Communion

Thread Six
Divine Faith/Human Knowing in the Quality of Unity
The Unified Quality of Genuine Unity
The intentional purpose of Awe in Communion

Thread Seven
Divine Truth/Human Wisdom in the Quality of Passion
The Unified Quality of Passionate Strength
The intentional purpose of Awakening Co-Operation

Thread Eight
Divine Mystery/Human Mystery in the Quality of Gratitude
The Unified Quality of Grateful Gratitude
The intentional purpose of Awakening Co-Operation

Thread Nine
Divine Soul/Human Manifestation in the Quality of Splendor
The Unified Quality of Beautiful Splendor
The intentional purpose of Awakening Co-operation

Community assignment.

As a regional group using the information from Part I and Part II - write and share with your Regional Group:

How your supreme quality supports your thread and thread intentions.
What energy you will hold for the community as we enter into this new year?

How will your heart and mind come together in a voice of peace in gentle ease? How will you defer attitudes of victim to your threads intentional ego/soul purpose?
Post as a group in your Regional Section in the VAV Forum.

This is about a paragraph long and is to be shared as a circle with no comments from the listener.

After this is complete, the group is to develop a paragraph on how your region will support the transcendence of this year into clear, authentic, fifth world voice of ‘Gentle ease in Peace‘.

Individual Assignment:

Identify a way in which you feel scapegoat, abuse, misuse, loss, anger, misjudgments, misunderstood, etc...
Using your supreme quality, the information in part one, and the information in part two about the thread that you follow………

Write and share how you will transcend this personal chosen attitude and co-create a clear pathway for you and your thread to become a fluid and sustainable pathway for others to follow.

Inblessings to Loving Grace in Cherishment.
Willow Tequillo
Spiritual Guide/Medicine Woman

Please write your process, considerations and summary and post in the gallery section of Community Formation.

Community Threads -Revision 5-2010

What color is your thread in our community?

Below is a list of those whose threads we can identify clearly.
For those of you whose thread has not been identified, please post your number using the instructions above. Send me a note in your personal area so that I can post it to the rest of the community.

Thread One: - January 2010

Thread Two: - February 2010

Thread Three: - March 2010

Thread Four: - April 2010

Thread Five: - May 2010

Thread Six: - June 2010

Thread Seven: - July 2010

Thread Eight: Unified Community of NBH/VAV - August 2010

Thread Nine: - September 2010

The remaining months with be about transcendence in Unification.

May 2010 Regional Group Assignment

Reconsider how you are participating in the formation of the Divine Human Being through your thread.

Post in individual area in the Gallery (Community Formation) how you relate this question to the Beauty Way through your Thread.

This month I have experienced JOY through my quality of ...............
when I ..................

Most of this month Mercury was in retrograde and this year, this three year was born in mercury in retrograde.
Such wonderful opportunities to reach back and reconcile old ways of being, of communicating, of remembering.

It comes to me
It, thought, powerful thought
It, thought, powerful thought in generous allowance ............
Orange arrows moving through the wind
point of origin one place, space of now, of center.

When I am sitting on the outer reaches of eternity,
I see a small planet, green and blue
I hear the voices ring out like sharps
I see the arrows of thought cry out to the heavens
Prayers, wishes, beliefs
Powerful hope of Divine reality

Divine reality
Is it true?
Oh is there something greater than me?
humanity crys
I hear the crys, the moans, the experiences
Humanity let me enter into your thoughts
that our unity may become the joy of Our most
sacred Revelation.

Revelation that it is all true.
Joy is the moment when all of our qualities come
together in happiness
High above the sky
Deep within the earth
Found in the base chakra
of both heaven and earth.

So is above
So is Below
It is the Mind of Dignified Truth
It is Love

So Is within
So Is without
It is the Charitable Ideas of Noble Trust
It is Love

So Is this
So Is that
It is the Powerful thoughts of generous allowance
It is Love

I am That I am Here and Fully Present
I am that Magic of Courageous Faith
It is Love

So is above
So is Below
It is the Body of Matter in Humbled Humility
Is Love

So Is within
So Is without
It is Faith to Know Genuine Unity
Is Love

So Is this
So Is that
It is Truth in Wisdom's Passionate Passageways of Strength
It is Love

I am That I am
Here and Fully Present
It is Mystery in Grateful Gratitude
It is Love

It is Us as One
It is One as Two
It is Souls Manifestation in Beautiful Splendor
It is Love
It is Unified One

Assignment 7 - Due May 2nd

Prayer of Great Mystery and Great Spirit in first Breath of One as Two/Two as One:
May the Kiss spark gentle and beautiful passion.
May the warmth of our breath bring sweet delightful Peace
May our Joy bring Hope to all Beings
May we RE-Member/remember always in All Ways
That we are LOVE

5th Awareness contemplation:
The physical breath connects me with my physical world as Spiritual Earth:
I am the great and small rock of the mountain.

How do we birth a single grain of sand?


© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024