LSD 6/2010 Summer Solstice, Summer Laughing Ceremony

Due May 6th

Prayer of Great Mystery and Great Spirit in first Breath of One as Two/Two as One:
May the Kiss spark gentle and beautiful passion.
May the warmth of our breath bring sweet delightful Peace
May our Joy bring Hope to all Beings
May we RE-member/remember always in All Ways
That we are LOVE

5th Awareness contemplation:
The Physical Breath connects me with my physical world as Spiritual Earth.
I am the water in mist cloud and sea.

What contribution of water does the human being provide as a gift in Natural Order.
From what experience do I draw this contribution?

Inlove and Peace,

The Way of Beauty

Hi Zawatee,
Beautiful work here.

In regard to language so as not to confuse the very basic and fundamental of the teachings,
_______________ you said,

"We develop empathy when we honor the spirit of another"

In clarity, if we are saying that empathy is developed when we honor the spirit of another,
we must KNOW that when we are speaking of Spirit we are specifically speaking of Energy.

i.e. enspirited matter would be equal to 'energy within matter'

energy within matter is equal to:

First Trinity: (Energy)=Thought within (Matter)=Ideas of the Mind take us to DivineHuman BEINGS of Magic; therefore DivineHuman Beings of Communion

Second Trinity: (Energy)=Knowing within (Matter)=Matter of Wisdom takes us to DivineHuman BEINGS of Mystery; therefore DivineHuman Beings to Compassion

Third Trinity: (Energy)=Manifestation within (Matter)=Becoming of Emotions takes us to DivineHuman Beings of Miracles; therefore DivineHuman Beings for Co-Operation.

The fourth Trinity is the Trinity of Co-Creative Ascension where these come into formation.

In other words, be careful when you all are using the word spirit to yourselves and each other and others in your world. Your words can support and strengthen or they can disinigrate belief and inner core understanding. Speak with the clarity of mindful inner compassion and you will be 'safe' to understand where "you yourself are coming from" Do not be sloppy with your words or flighty with unformed thoughts. This can be easily remedied by exercising your words with physical experience. This way you can actually integrate spirit within matter of your physical form and experience it as an emotion; thereby taking it into the fullest potential of manifestation, i.e. the third trinity. Once again, be clear that what you are saying is what you are experiencing in your physical body as an experience and that it moves into your emotional body. It's validity can be tested in authentic actions, such as planting a plant, something sensory and tangible on the earth plane.

Current dogma and religion is based in the premise that "Spirit" is Source and this has caused a great affliction upon humanity in the development of Belief systems which denounce Matter or Mother or Soul.

Spirit is one half of the whole.
Spirit and Matter are one. Together they are whole as Two becomes One and One becomes Two.
They are not separate, yet they are points of view, each valid.

The inner circle looks out, the outer circle looks in, yet both must be able to do both and maintain their boundary of understanding. I.E. Matter knows self as matter, and Spirit knows self as spirit .......... and yet there is no such thing really because one can not exist without the other.

We are matter based inspirited Beings. Both Spirit and Matter, let us remember to speak as such so that we can validate our humanity as divinehuman beings inlove.

I hope this is helpful.
Inlove and gratitude for you all,
The way of beauty

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024