7/2010 Community Assignment

July 2010 Community Assignment

Divine Truth and Human Wisdom in Passionate Passageways of Strength

Individual Assignment: Your assignment prior to our meeting is to take your qualities and create a story where each naturally leads to mutual support balance in equanimity. While you are creating, notice that you are each of the qualities.

  1. Dignified Truth
  2. Noble Trust
  3. Generous Allowance
  4. Courageous Faith
  5. Humbled Humility
  6. Passionate Strength
  7. Passageways (to, of, for, from Love)
  8. Grateful Gratitude
  9. Beautiful Splendor
  10. Graceful Cherishment
  11. Delightful Devotion
  12. Supreme Quality Absolute Authentic Eternal Devotion

Divine and human mind in dignified truth, gives me a sense of being the small rock of eternity, through great rocks of worlds.
I begin in a wondering if there is a reason for all of this existence and realizing that the only way that I can make sense of any of it, is to realized the truth that, I do not know.

In my surrender to unknowing, I come to trust.
When my heart stands full, in passionate strength trusting in the wisdom of emotions, the body of matter and the focus of the mind,,,, I experience noble trust. For I connect with my soul.
In the trust I give my self permission and a wide birth, generous allowance to become the hope that lives in my heart. I know this hope only as a feeling within a physical form, a watery, fluid, emotion of a love so deep that there is not cure for it. There is only a hope of the journey of life experience. This hope brings me to diving deep into courageous faith. A faith that I am the mystery which allows the magic to dream in. And in my self I allow the generosity of myself to lend 'miracles' a home of formation.

It is here that I become humbled humility of unknowing, for I do not know what will become of the alchemy of magic and mysteries love so deep. I only know that life does grow and flourish in my 'surrende'r to becoming more than I am and fully allowing the generous space within and without to evolve in co-creation.

It is through this co-creation that I ascend into a deeper fuller knowing of the Courageous Faith that I am.
'This courageous faith takes me to a place of passion for life, passion for living, and creates within my various bodies, clear and sustainable pathways to love openly, to be of a loving nature, for the co-creation of a greater love yet to be born, from a love that is immeasurable.

And from this love I find the peace that comes from a grateful heart. My gratitude for this life becomes the fullness of my being, radiating hope beyond that which was ever my dream and I know myself to be selfless love.

Metta, one without attachment, for all life IS love in simplicity. This brings me to Beautiful Splendor .......... my experience of my life journey, for all is lovely, all is necessary, all is good and my heart is full in no name.

And I come to know cherishment of living for it is my heart, my feelings, my emotions which knows itself to be the life force elixir connecting all body of matter of golden particle into form. Gravity is the emotional resonance of chemistry drawing like to like here upon this earth plane and through the universes, realms and worlds.

And it is in this gravitational pull of passionate strength that we build in co-operation the tender new worlds based upon unification of qualities of self and other. And we become the delightful devotion to the evolution of the body of matter that we are, coming to know that our Soul does carry the unfolding Absolute Authentic Eternal Devotion of our BEING, from and into eternity.


Dear New Breed Healers,

Blessings, Greetings and Great Loving Affection to you! 😊

There is a tenderness that embodies me as I pray for each of you as you transverse this time in your individual and our collective lives.

There is a cherishment for you which resides deep within my heartmind, directly connecting me, you and us to the Great Mystery and Enlightening this Great Mystery with Great Spirit.

You are the Divine Body of Matter enlightened by Soul Manifestation. There is not question, nor is there doubt, for you are that IS, and this Is our common life, of One Common Passion, infinite and eternal, immortal invisible, visible and real.

Some notes about where you have been this month and where you are going.

  1. We are moving with the New Moon. Our 7th moon cycle began on July 12th. Passionate passageways of strength through your quality/ies.

We (counsel/those of us who are preparing you for your Light Ceremony Initiations) began a process of opening you up to your Shadow.

You will need to go back from about the beginning of July to last Friday. Notice if you experienced Core fears, disbelief, anxst. What were they?

Then on July 25th we opened the inner portal of highest potential for you, allowing for the stream of silver light to fully embody you and connect your thread to your quality, thereby allowing you access to your core light in its most stable form, strengthening your CORD.

Now you are accessing a GREAT DELIGHT. This Delight is that of Devotion. Absolute Authentic Eternal Devotion.

As Amethyst Essene's we are eternal Beings, devoted to a common path.
We are a Spiritual Family who has been together for a very long time.

You are ReMembering and Remembering who you are and who we are.

As we approach this end of times and beginning of a New Time - you are remembering yourselves as sacred vessels which hold a Light that is All One.

Each of us has our challenges and we have faced them, and by now laughed through them.
Each of us is awakened now to the higher vibration and a common Union in Passion that WE ARE as ONE.

I send this message to you, reminding you that you are so well loved.
That you have one another to share your path with, to speak your language, to co-create and inspire one another. You have each other to grow with, to explore with, to cherish and to be cherised by. Remember each other. Remember to send one another heart felt moments of silence, building the inner core of self and each other. Remember to dance the dance of creation with one another and to send messages of hope. As you move through your joys and inspirations remember to think of one another and send wishes of happiness to each other by Name.

You are the core seeds of our very Heart of new world formation. It is no longer a quantitative question of is this real or unreal, past or future .........
you are Now Presence, eternal and infinate.
Fall into the Great Mystery of Grace and allow yourself to embody the very matter of Heaven and Earth that you are.

Prepare your 12 + 3 bodies for full integration. This is the moment that you have been working toward. From now until the Light Ceremony you will find revelation to be the golden plate from which each sacred step is taken, the light of your path is golden before you and after you.
You now enter into the river of light and your boat is safe. Be well and know that your Source loves you eternally for you are love. Know that we your counsel and guides do cherish and adore you as Living Members of the Great Body of Life.

In the coming months your will continue on your expanding the dimensions of your Bodies.

7th New Moon (07-11-2010 no moon/ 07-12-2010 new moon) - Home Tree - Passionate Passageways of Strength through your quality

8th New Moon (08-09-2010 no moon/08-10-2010 new moon) - Source - Who are you and who am I - in grateful gratitude of your quality

Next three months of surrendering addictions for the purpose of stabilizing the various bodies for the full integration of light, one per month
You will choose one per month and maintain them.

Alcohol - sweets, sugars, hyperactivity, monkey mind, outside - inability to hold

Tobacco - too far inward, without energy, thoughtlessness - hold too tight

Meat - Dependency upon the sacrifice of another for the purpose of ownership, attachment, giving up self power to another

9th New Moon (09-08-2010 no moon/09-09-2010 new moon) - Surrender 1 - Soul Manifestation in Beautiful Splendor

10th New Moon - (10-07-2010 no moon/10-08-2010 new moon) Surrender 2 - Hope Becoming Graceful Cherishment

11th New Moon - (11-05-2010 no moon/11-06-2010 new moon) Surrender 3 - Emotional Wisdom

12th New Moon ( 12-5-2010 no moon/ 12-6-2010 new moon) - Your Vows to your Source in Delightful Devotion

From this moment forward please post a weekly summary of your process.

Inloving hopefullness,
Willow JiMi, counsel and guides

Dear New Breed Healers/ Amethyst Vision Seekers,

Today we find ourselves in deepest regard and happiness in a place where, Divine Truth and Human Wisdom Ascend limitations and Co-Create amazing creative pathways of passionate strength for peaceful union in harmony, through mutual reverence and allowance for All Life, All that IS.

The following are considerations for Letter of Spiritual Direction "Spiritual Cosmic Connections":

Ascended Wisdom Matrix: Thread Three (year 3/Willow JiMi Thread Three) Divine Power Human Thought in Generous Allowance

Divine Heaven: New Moon, Solar Eclipse, Venus, Virgo, Cancer

  1. Venus Goddess of Beauty, Mother seed planet to Earth, Humus, Human
  2. Virgo, Goddess of Beauty Manifest, Feminine Child of Venus
  3. Solar Eclipse - From embracing to embrace, fire within water, Still Point, Fire centered in water, Light of profound Idea/concept, complete breath from out to inner-point of light-from inner to out.
  4. New Moon, New Ideas brought forth through passageways of the inner formed seed to the out breath; into the world for new life.
  5. Cancer, Home

Divine Earth: 5th Awareness; Ascended Wisdom Matrix; 7th Thread; Master Serapis Beye

  1. 5th Awareness
    I am Spiritual Cosmos connection between Divine Heaven and Divine Earth.
  2. Ascended Wisdom Matrix Thread 7
    Divine Truth Human Wisdom In Passionate Passageways of Strength Geometric Symbol begins with Blue Diamond
  3. Master Serapis Beye:
    4th Ray, Master of Art and Music,
    Qualities: beauty, discipline, wisdom, order
    "Today we will discuss the section of your lesson that I will refer to as 'Acceptance'.
    Walk freely, willfully into the destiny of your Life.
    You have created great and beautiful dreams for yourself.
    Trust that you have prosperity and are prosperous.
    That is what I am here to tell you.
    Manifest anything you want,
    do and dare to do it and when it comes say,
    'I knew I could'.
    You could and can because your heart intention is to Know through You,
    One, All That Is.
    Would Source of All life want anything less for you than the
    Fullest Joy and Prosperity, Beauty and Hope?"

Lesson for Community review

Divine Truth can reveal Human Wisdom through passionate passageways of who we are. Passageways are not outside of us or inside of us, though we Experience both as Is. Consider that we are the Passionate Passageway. WE are the vehicles and homes of our Qualities. As a passageway for my qualities I can be, play out any role. This is what you did last month through your ceremonies of laughter. We can be so silly in paying to much attention to 'this' or 'that'. Let us consider IS. "what IS this?"

We say, "This IS US, This IS We, Oneness"
Yet how do we come to know that we ARE we, connected and shared?
Last month we played out how fear leads us to separation and isolation, helping us to see self and other as separate entities. When fear takes too many short strokes and the trail gets too long and difficult, separation can lead to depravation and create loss and too much attention is then paid to our dualistic nature.

This month we will examine how We can come to know that 'we are we'. Through processes of gratitude we can better understand how to connect our seemingly separate parts allowing them to refresh, rebalance and stabilize each other. By using our qualities we will look at how our qualities assure that we are working from our heartmind, therefore providing us pathways of experience, of life, of alchemy of US.

Individual Assignment: Your assignment prior to our meeting is to take your qualities and create a story where each naturally leads to mutual support balance in equanimity. While you are creating, notice that you are each of the qualities.

Community Regional Assignment: Take one quality from each member and co-create a story of support in the first NBH/VAV Intention:

  1. My commitment to my relationships with another being, is to examine from my heart and to act (action) from my heart.

Together we are co-creating the letter of spiritual direction through our personal encounter with ourselves and one another. WE are the Passionate Passageways of Strength. WE are All that Is, for we are humbled humility, humus in gratitude.

Inlove and Appreciation,
Willow JiMi Tequillo
The fluid, rooted, Way of Beauty

Willow JiMi

Week One of Four Weeks due on the Sunday

Please post weekly your experience

week one: Of the Mind

week two: Of the Body of Matter (Physical)

week three: Of the Emotional Body

week four: Of Being One

Prayer of Great Mystery and Great Spirit in first Breath of One as Two/Two as One:
May the Kiss spark gentle and beautiful passion.
May the warmth of our breath bring sweet delightful Peace
May our Joy bring Hope to all Beings
May we RE-member/remember always in All Ways
That we are LOVE

5th Awareness:
I am Spiritual Cosmos
connection between Divine Heaven and Divine Earth.

Universal Magic through courageous faith embodies Divine Truth in Human Wisdom through passionate passageways of strength in (name your quality).

In this exercise you will want to think about how your quality is the spiritual cosmic connection, i.e. passionate passageway of divine heaven and divine earth.

Have fun,
Willow JiMi

Mind of Love in Beautiful Splendor

Universal Magic through courageous faith embodies Divine Truth in Human Wisdom through passionate passageways of strength in the mind of love in beautiful splendor.

At times it is hard to let myself 'allow' myself the embodiment of beautiful splendor.
Yet beautiful splendor is the dream of my Being.
I follow, I sense, I think, I dream.
It takes faith to live my dream of beautiful splendor.
It takes courageous faith to Be fully who I am co-created to be.
It take my unwavering belief in Divine intervention, intention, truth.
A truth that says all things are possible and it takes courageous
faith to know my center breath of gratitude and to BE IT.
This is my Human Wisdom:
it is to know my Will is Divine Will.........
and I ONLY KNOW this through the courageous faith I have in the Magic of Divine Love.

I only know that I Surrender to the Magic of my Source, every minute, every moment, every everything.
It is in this presence that I Am no thing and therefore I am an instrument of one common intention, one dream, a dream......... not all dreams, just one dream.
The dream of beautiful splendor in peaceful ease, in cherishment, in grace, in hope, INLOve.

It is through the magic of the Universal Mind of Love that I can be present in this single moment of time, in this life. It is in this life that I co-create and ascend common limitations of thought through passionate living in presence. Walking souly in this presence co-creates pathways of strength in beautiful splendor.

Assignment #2

Please post again same intention:

  1. My commitment to my relationships with another being, is to examine from my heart and to act (action) from my heart.
  • reviewing your experience of your gathering your tools and bringing into openness the beginning of a new inner experience.

We are going to begin our painting of our Home Tree.

This tree is a picture of where we live.
We will consider our intentions as we move through it.

This week, use your first intention writings to take you into setting the TONE for Listening to your inner sacred self.

  1. take your canvas
  2. divide into 28 equal parts
  3. there are 9 colors that we will be working with

Prisma color names,

  1. magenta - thread 1
  2. red (scarlet lake) - thread 2
  3. orange - thread 3
  4. dark blue - thread 4
  5. grass green - thread 5
  6. turquoise - thread 6
  7. true blue - thread 7
  8. violet - thread 8
  9. yellowed orange - thread 9

In the order that you would like, place colors individually at the four comers,

i.e. top right hand corner color orange.

across the center in the "center row" place the remaining four colors.

SPECIAL NOTE: The ninth color is to be used to make your lines.


  1. My commitment to my relationships with another being, is to examine from my heart and to act (action) from my heart.

You may paint 1 - 2 parts per day. You are to paint everyday. My preference is that you paint one part for 28 days.

Number the remaining parts randomly 1 - 20 and paint accordingly.

Consider that your canvas and your tools, color, light, form and sound are your developing relationship with another Being. This Being is your Soul self.
As you begin to gather, organize and co-create, LISTEN.

Ask yourself, how am I hearing myself?
Am I listening to the Creative Genius within myself.
Does this creative genius exist?
Do I push it around?
Do I believe I already KNOW and therefore have no room for discovery?
Do I allow for its unfolding and then DEFINE it's creativity based upon my Ego's need to control or gather control?

Find a place of Allowance, discovery, acceptance.
In this two fold process we will be using

Words in sound, light, color and form as Ego's access into Soul realm
Paint in paint in color, form, light and sound as Soul's access into Ego realm.

Equanimity begins in understanding that 0 point is a place of stillness where inner and outer become the very womb of existence.

Post your questions in the General Conversation area in this section.

Have fun, journal your experience with yourself


Home Tree Painting discussion with Willow

  1. How is the Home Tree painting different than the Tree of Life painting?

    Willow: "We are creating a community tree not different than the medicine wheel that we created before. We are moving into a space of center and balance in everything that we do, especially the NBH. We are on a path that is straight and narrow and need to know where we area at. Take 4th world chaos verse order, and 5th world harmony, center, and balance create a harmonic that says that everything is valuable and then we create center and balance in our lives. This process shows us a way to do it. There are 7 boxes down and 4 across. 7 chakras in 4 worlds. We are moving into 5th world the completion of fourth world is 7 X 4. In order to get to 5th, 6th, 7th world must find a balance above duality, rise above duality. Trying using this format to do this. Soul integrates into everything through the net of light or the matrix of light that connects our world and holds it together. It is part of the akashic record for our world. There are 8 squares that absolutely are sound. They are the 8 symbols, color, light, form, and sound. The hands are the upper and the feet are lower corners and center line is the belt or our will. Change can only take place when our will is in freedom. Our human walk is 4th chakra down and must combine with our divine walk which is 4 chakra up. Integration must occur in hands feet and across the belt. Any geometric form has completely integrated in these spaces everything else is random based upon a person's qualities and thread. In order to bring balance there is a resistance in chaos and order in 4th world. Chaos is resistant to become orderly and order is resistant to become chaotic. Resistance by both takes them to a fulcrum point for enlightenment. Both must find value in the other and must do it and experience peaceful ease. If we have 8 spots that are sound and within those spots they have a minor randomness to them it will create a solid or orderly foundation that can hold, because foundation is solid everything can be random as long as the colors that are used remain the same. Need to see the true color of the form, and we can mix colors. Each person is a part of the tree. Our community is creating a home tree. The tree of life was more of an individual process. We will be able to connect our trees. For the light ceremony we will bring a good size picture and put it together."

  2. Does it matter what color our lines are in our painting?
    Willow: "The lines should be the yellow orange or the soul color because it integrates every square. They should be painted first. It is the Egyptian gold. "

  3. Should we work on our questions throughout the painting process?
    Willow: "Yes work on the questions during the painting process. Before painting read the questions and write my experience afterwards. Write down what I am experiencing."

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