8/2010 Contemplation: 8th New Moon

This medicine wheel is 10 dimensional and integrates the Tree of Life
By: Willow

Dear New Breed Healers,

8th New Moon (08-09-2010 no moon/08-10-2010 new moon) -
Contemplation: Source - Who are you and who am I - in grateful gratitude of my supreme quality.
WE enter into this new month of contemplation on the third day of this moon of the Universal Mystery of Grateful Gratitude. Third day, third year, = Divine Power and Human Thoughts. May you use this Divine Power in unison with your Human thoughts and come to deep and endearing resolution with your Source.
From this contemplation begin your considerations for your Vows from your Inner Soul Space. (New World Memory Keepers, stop your Inner Chaos work and fill in the blanks re: Source work, using the worksheet below. Let me know if you have questions.)
****Reminder to All New Breed Healers. This process and our work together is in Freewill participation. I as your Teacher am providing you with guidance to help you to get through the passageways. If you feel that you can not/or do not want to participate in what is being presented, talk with me, talk with each other. To be clear, no one is telling you what to do. Guidance is that, guidance. Each of our inner personal journeys is our own. Each of you has been given the 'go ahead' to take your vows. You create them from where you are. My advice is to be fully conscious and aware of what you are committing to, no one can tell you this; it must come from your inner self, your Soul self. Be happy in self discovery, it is a gift of LIFE. Live freely and abundantly in Hope.
I love you, we love you,
Teachers and Guides

Instructions for Contemplation:

Answer the following questions first, then move to the worksheet below.

  1. Who or what is Source to Me?
  2. Who Am I?
  3. Who Am I to Source?
  4. Spiritual Qualities: Name them
  5. Supreme Quality: Name it.

Contemplations Inner Chaos Belief System Worksheet

Part 1 - A1. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously support me in my relationship with Source?
My beliefs about my Source is/are ________________________________.
I believe that my Source is/are ________________________________.
I believe this about my Source because
Who was my teacher for this belief?
My teacher/s for this belief is/are
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
I sense this belief
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
The emotional feeling that I attach to this belief is
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my relationship with Source?

  1. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  2. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  3. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  4. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  5. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.

Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How? Make a statement of how it inter-relates to your other qualities.
Do I want to keep this belief or not? Why
Is there something that you need to change in order for your actions to connect clearly with your beliefs.

Part 2 -A1. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which consciously sabotage me in my relationship with Source?
My belief about my Source is/are ________________________________.
I believe that my Source is ________________________________.
I believe this about my Source because ________________________________.
Who was my teacher for this belief?
My teacher/s for this belief is/are
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
I sense this belief
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
The emotional feeling that I attach to this belief is
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my relationship with Source?

  1. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  2. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  3. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  4. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  5. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.

Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How? Make a statement of how it inter-relates to your other qualities.
Do I want to keep this belief or not? Why
Is there something that you need to change in order for your actions to connect clearly with your beliefs.

Part 3 - A1. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which Unconsciously Sabotages me in my relationship with Source?
My beliefs about my Source is/are ________________________________.
I believe that my Source is/are ________________________________.
I believe this about my Source because ________________________________.
Who was my teacher for this belief?
My teacher/s for this belief is/are ________________________________.
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
I sense this belief ________________________________.
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
The emotional feeling that I attach to this belief is ________________________________.
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my relationship with Source?

  1. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  2. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  3. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  4. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  5. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.

Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How? Make a statement of how it inter-relates to your other qualities.
Do I want to keep this belief or not? Why
Is there something that you need to change in order for your actions to connect clearly with your beliefs.

Part 4 - A1. What beliefs (thoughts) do I have which Unconsciously Support me in my relationship with Source?
My belief about my Source is/are ________________________________.
I believe that my Source is/are ________________________________.
I believe this about my Source because ________________________________.
Who was my teacher for this belief?
My teacher/s for this belief is/are
Where is this belief held in my physical body?
I sense this belief
What is the emotional feeling attached to this belief?
The emotional feeling that I attach to this belief is
How is this belief acted out in my care and consideration of my Source?

  1. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  2. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  3. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  4. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.
  5. I experience "Name one quality" and write a statement of your experience of this quality.

Is this a belief which supports my highest supreme quality? How? Make a statement of how it inter-relates to your other qualities.
Do I want to keep this belief or not? Why
Is there something that you need to change in order for your actions to connect clearly with your beliefs.

Part 5 - Take your beliefs which you choose keep and process through each of the Aspects using your Supreme Quality ONLY. The Aspects are Vehicle, Home, Partnership, Work, Family, Friends, Ego/Soul Unity.

Part 5 - A1. I have a belief that Source is a Vehicle of Ascension and Co-creation. I believe that Source is the vehicle of my life through my supreme quality of beautiful splendor. I experience this belief as personal and authentic truth when I experience gratitude for my community. This experience takes me to higher levels of consciousness. I feel as if I am growing as a human being and I see our community growing in unison. We together become a vehicle of ascension through co-creative consciousness and I become ever so much more aware that there is Source which holds an understanding/a dream which drives me ever more intuitively toward awakening.

Part 6 - Answer the following questions

  1. Who or what is Source to Me?
  2. Who Am I?
  3. Who Am I to Source?

Part 7 - Begin creating your vows

You are love,
May you awaken to the Love that you are.
Your Teacher,
Willow JiMi Tequillo

New Breed Healers/Amethyst Vision Seekers

Sympathetic Compassion Becomes Empathetic Compassion through Choice for Emotional Sobriety

8th Month of Inner and Outer Reflections
Divine Mystery and Human Mystery in Grateful Gratitude

Excerpt from First Trinity Relationship to Tree of Life
Original Writings by Willow Tequillo

Violet Represents First Trinity or First Movement:
Mind of Love; embracing Idea and Thought through the Magic of Love culminating as the first Human,
*Fourth Trinity Quality V Compassion
Mind of Love begins in the Desire of Kether (Crown).

This is where our name Amethyst Essences comes from, this is where we live as Soul Beings. Central Pillar of Universal Logos which holds the Crown color amethyst or highest vibration of the essence of Divine Law.

It is through this memory of who we are that we seek to Reunite/Remember Universal Oneness for the Sole/Soul purpose of Peace.

It is the personal understandings of our personal truth and divine truth, which carry the essence of the universal law of natural order in concert and in co-operation with ourselves, each other, our community, our world and universe.

As we come into our deepest awareness of compassionate self as divine human beings, we enter into a personal understanding and knowing of the depths of the abyss; the magnitude of explorations; and the beauty and joy of our world. With this understanding of Pure Joy in Beauty we learn to move more gracetully in the 4th World of

dualities painful imbalance. We remember ourselves to BE that Which WE Are, A Light bringing hope of balance and security to our fragile changing transcending world. This is our purpose, to bring peace into the world which has been for so long out of balance. To bring hope to hearts without hope and to see the Authentic Self as the most desired expression of Divine Love. As we open ourselves to personal understanding we become the manifestation of Divine Light as one reflection of Love.

Dear New Breed Healers and Amethyst Vision Seekers,

Today we begin our contemplations in consideration of the Unified qualities of Grateful Gratitude through the Ascended Wisdom Matrix, Thread 8, Divine Mystery and Human Mystery. Empathetic Compassion begins through the Work of Friendships.

In the center of the Ascended Wisdom Matrix, the 120th movement, all bodies come together in a culmination of co-creation. I Fall into You, You Fall into Me says Don Jia. What does that mean?

From a geometric stand point, I Fall into You, You Fall into Me, means that two triangles come together; one in the ascent the other in the decent, co-creating the perfect form of the Star of David = PEACE as fulcrum within each connection moves further inward and through, to equilibrium in perfect unified within and without.

One might say, I Fall into You, You Fall into Me, means Peace is Born in Compassion.

From a Human Divine Stand point, I Fall into You, You Fall into Me is the point of fulcrum where these intersecting points are consciously aware and know themselves to be the perfect MATCH.

From the Ego/Soul stand point I Fall into You, You Fall into Me is the complete Divine Human Vehicle in equanimity. This equanimity is centered and balanced in Metta which supports, accepts and allows for harmonic rhythm and voice in balanced perspectives and views within and without all Aspects of Life.

It is an absolute pathway of passionate strength gifted from the 7th Thread as processed last month. What we know about this time of transcendence is that this can be a really easy time or it can be a difficult time. Each individual's personal experience depends upon the individual's development in, and capacity of propagation of empathetic compassion.

In other word, if the individual is participating in empathetic compassion the pathways of transcendence are easy.

If the individual is participating in an INWARD disorder; randomness without order, or too much order without randomness, this merging of worlds will come together in force to complete the merger of desired balance. The merger can be one with a lot of jagged edges and be painful.

If the passionate pathways of strength are clear, meaning that a substantial amount of Empathetic Compassion is UNDERSTOOD and reflections of ACTS and ACTIONS benefit Peaceful resolution, then the merger will be one of transparency. This individual will experience the merging of worlds as fluid and translucent golden light and harmonically peaceful ways become easy resolution.

KEY: The Merging of Worlds requires an absolute understanding of Metta.
Metta is Unconditional Love. That is, LOVE Without Attachment.

Helpful Hints:
How do we know if we are entering into this Time of Peace, in Peace?
Look at your interactions with one another.
Are your interactions peaceful?
Do people understand you and hear you?
Do you hear and understand others from their view point?
Is your heart and mind at peace when you hear another's expression?
How is the health in all of your bodies: Mental, Emotional, and Physical.
Are you strong?
How are you?
Are you working toward a specified goal in any or in all of your bodies?

Passionate Passageway of Strength in RESPECT

  1. Surrender
  2. Simplicity = METTA
  3. Honesty
  4. Kindness Passionate Passageway of Strength in RESPECT

Grateful Gratitude leads to Metta through Empathetically Compassionate Choices of RESPECT. Respect for self and respect for other. Components of respect of Empathetic Compassion are:

  1. Surrender
  2. Simplicity
  3. Honesty
  4. Kindness
  5. Metta (Unconditional Love)

Consider these active definitions through Ascended Wisdom of 5th World Voice

  1. Surrender = Honoring self and other by Actively using one's own energy, vigor and diligence to surrender to inner quiet. Surrendering to Silence.
  2. Simplicity = Honoring self and other by Actively using personal patience, tolerance, forbearance, acceptance and endurance to simply step away in FULL CONCIOUS AWARENESS. Stepping away from the Do's and Don'ts, the have to's for self and others. Thus allowing self a moment of refrain.
  3. Honesty = Honoring self and other by acknowledging to self, personal fear, personal joy, personal trust of self, personal mistrust of self. Honestly taking a step back to fully examine personal motivations and intentions. AND Then when we have The Answer... we burn it and start again. When we have found the answer and burned them 5 times, then we know in no uncertain terms that we must answer and burn them 100x's 100x's more. At some point we will come to a place of step four.
  4. Kindness = Honoring self and other by personal Determination of resolution through Kindness.

Self determination for Kindness is KEY to Empathetic Compassion.

This kind of Kindness is Authentic and requires that self determination to BE REAL. No pretending allowed here. Authentic Kindness is a Harmonic. Like any sound, it can be heard and resonates as a CLEAR Tone when it is spoken. This is the TONE that TRUST Relationships are birthed from.

  1. Metta (Unconditional Love): Unconditional Love is the expression and experience of Empathetic Compassion. This kind of love allows for BEING. I SEE YOU, YOU SEE ME, we begin a relationship of hearing, discovering, playing, co-creating, expanding, Enjoying our life together.

RESPECT for self and others stems from our ability to develop Trust relationships.

Empathetic Compassion is foundationally built from our communion (common union) of trust. Empathetic Compassion is an agreement to a common passion to Peace. In order for our common passion to be in a Harmonic of Peaceful Ease, we must make some real decisions from our Core Light within. We must take the steps to becoming emotionally sober.

Emotional Sobriety refers to our ability to clearly discover and understand our addictions to tirades and tantrums whether these actions are an inner blah blah or an outer blah blah blah. Through these our understandings, we must Make Personal DECISIONS to make changes in our blah blah acts and actions.
We must then map out a personal tickler system OOOOOHHHHHH which helps to keep track. We must then put into action, our plan, HUMMMMMMMMMM.
Through our acts and actions, make allowances for voices to be heard in graceful resolution and peace, Without Attachment.

Emotional Sobriety requires that we acknowledge that we care.
To be attentive and not dismissive.
To hear rather than turn away in aggression or passive aggression.
To allow for self examination through surrender, simplicity, honesty, kindness and Metta. Then and only then can we - Speak Peace/Hear Truth.

We can choose to have our spoken truth to sound something like:
Dear Teacher, thank you for helping me to discover myself, may, our relationship always be of such value.

After we have done all of this, then we get down on the earth and again Surrender to our Source our very dreams and visions of this peace. WE allow, without attachment to outcome, the opportunity for universe to co-create with us. It is here that we begin to understand the Miracles that are the very breath of our existence. And it is here, in this place of AWE and Wonder that the Divine Mystery and Human Mystery, connect in equanimity in grateful gratitude, and we discover that we are the Peace that we are Created to Be.

Write a brief statement of what you have learned from the Letter of Spiritual Direction.

Think of a time when you were asked to be a friend and it was difficult to speak your truth.
What did you do?
How did your action serve your relationship with yourself or your friendship?
What would you do differently?
Take your scenario, write it out.
Then take it through the Empathetic Processes for Emotional Sobriety, rewrite it.
What is the outcome?
Does authenticity make any headway?
What do balance and center look like from this new transcended view?
Are there attachments?

Summarize what you have learned about yourself.
Create a, Just for Today statement.
Post only your summary and your Just for today statement, in the Community Formation section of the VAV Gallery.

Blessed Be,
May your life know Metta
And may your dreams come true.
Inlove through the Beauty Way,
Willow JiMi Tequillo

Please complete this contemplation on Saturday, the day of our meeting and post your summary and your Just for Today in the Gallery as directed above.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024