10/2011 - New Earth Seed Being, Awareness #21
Willow JiMi 2011-09-26 18:39:43
An experience of Soul Awakening to Living on the Earth Plane
This morning I awaken from a restless sleep of physical discomfort.
The first odd night since pathway left.
I feel cold and achy, bothered by the winds hitting the branches against the house all night, my night clothes twisted up with my covers and my hair wrapped around my face. Like the bird trying to find a safe place to land and unwind; I just need to find a flat place to land, odd that this is my first moment of waking.
I rise before the dawn breaks and watch as predawn illuminates the morning blue sky with golden rose billowing clouds. I wonder how the cloud people have maintained their composure for two days now with this intense wind. And yet they are there just hanging out, seemingly enjoying the cleanse from spring time wind.
I light my candle, say my prayers and return to the warmth of bed and coffee. Yup this is one of the perks of being an Earth Being, and I am grateful for this gift of the matter in humus.
My contemplation begins with the idea of Exercise. Exercise.
I think about why some people find exercise to be really simple while others find it very hard. Exercise is a part of our Rule of Life and for some it is a challenge, while for some, a comfort. I allow my thoughts to wander with my guides, I see something of relationships. I dream with the Ancestors, reflecting upon the ways of peoples old and new.
My thoughts wander to the natural state of long strides, open arms, great smiles. I think of the open space where I am gifted to live, where Wind experiences freedom to blow. Where trees are strongly rooted and enjoy the shaking out of cobwebs. Where branches dance up and down shaking off the old leaves. I take out my rugs and blanket and allow the refreshment of wind (air) to clear out winter's stagnation.
I feel happy with this wind. Wind teaches me of reaching out, carrying sounds, jumping, singing and dancing. Wind teaches me about expanding my view, as it tests my resistance and resilience. Wind teaches me how to stand strong against forces which can become complex, by teaching me, like the bird, to seek places of shelter. Wind teaches me to exercise my calmness by allowance and surrender to peace. Wind teaches me to stand, walk, run and it teaches me to fly. I learn about laughter and delight and extension and persistence.
First question: So what is it about exercise that makes some excited to go out and explore and others cringe at the thought of movement and change?
What does exercise do for us? One thing that comes to mind is, 'exercise is a helper'.
Exercise is a Helper.
If this is true, that exercise is a helper, what are my 'beliefs' about 'helper' that empower me to go out or keep me from going out, causing me to experience my life as ridged or flexible?
Second question: In what aspect of life does exercise best fit as a pathway which helps me to experience Oneness with all life and relation?
Third question: Why is any of this important?
For me the second question comes easiest to consider.
"In what aspect of life does exercise best fit as a pathway (Jia) to Oneness with all life and relation?" The aspect of Friendship makes most sense to me as the place where I can begin to contemplate, evaluate and comprehend my understandings of human relationship and consider my own beliefs about exercise. For others and on another day we can consider the relationship of Exercise to other aspects.
What are important things in life for me? Peaceful ease, comfort, Beauty, Joy, Happiness.
Why are these things important to me? Because they help me to find a place where I can BE. When I can find peace within I share peace without (in my world and universe).
Comforting my physical form is pretty high up on the scale.
So what do exercise, friendship and helper all have in common in addressing these important things in my life?
Friendship has been my weakest link in this life time, and as _______
would say, 'we are only as strong as our weakest link (connection).' I have spent much time in the study and application of friendship. I have thought about what it is, what it is not, its value and its origin.
My thoughts about friendship go something like this.
In our family because it is clan, our family is 'friend' and our friend is 'family'. All friendships originate from family and all family originates from Oneness with All.
Therefore there is nothing which is not family, for we are all connected through the very matter (humus) of our beings. We are of the elements water, earth, fire, air...... our form, our DNA is of the same basic makeup of every other Being on this planet. Therefore we are of One Body. Simple. Our family is united through the inner connections of our make-up whether we know it or not.
All friendships come from family;
however the relationship has a different function.
Friendships are those relationships which offer us the opportunity to be "one with the wind".
In other words, friendships are systems of relationship which allow us to explore and experience ourselves through evolution and are based in the integrity and development of trust.
Like the wind, friendships allow us the freedom to explore ourselves.
Friendships are the outer circle of our homes. Friendships are the play ground for exploring boundaries, dressing up beauty, moving beyond preconceived ideas of limitations. Friendships extend allowance through humor and can provide clear statements in honesty. Friendships form new groups. Groups are made of common ideas through projects in common and support the evolution of boundaries. Friendships are of choice and form a united bond built through the formation of trust.
I think about the structures which most easily support friendships; Exercise comes to mind. Yoga, painting, contemplation, music, walking, sports, etc.
When we exercise we naturally move in to communion with another. The other can be of Nature People or Human Beings.
If we swim, we move into communion and friendship with the element of water. If we are lucky there can be other beings with which we also develop friendship. Maybe another human, maybe an otter, maybe a dog, the dirt or a plant. Whoever the friendship is formed with, the friendship itself is a teacher of relationship.
A Hopi Grandfather recently reminded us that, 'in order for us to evolve through this time of change, we must once again become connected by our spirit to Mother Earth.'
A way in which we connect our spirit to anything is through the Aspect of Friendship in exercise. To the indigenous people, friendship is considered to be the most sacred and primal relationship. It's importance is held in highest esteem. For we know that it is only through the spirit of friendship that our cultures live. We seek to develop, explore and maintain friendship through supporting both the inner and outer part of our lives.
Considerations of Contemplations
- What is an Exercise which helps you to become passionate about your life?
a. What physical sense helps you to become connected. Sight, touch, hearing, tasting, smell?
b. How does creativity fit into this exercise?
Art of dance
Art of cooking
Art of painting
Art of walk
Art of word
Art of song...........
Again, what exercise of creativity connects you to the passion of your life?
- How can this exercise help you to discover your connection to the Spirit of Mother Earth?
- Assignment:
a. For one month choose an exercise and think about friendship with yourself.
b. Ask yourself each day, "How do I practice friendship with myself?"
c. Take the lessons below of the wind and ask yourself, "How have I become a friend to myself and others through this exercise of conscious living?"
"My thoughts wander to the natural state of long strides,
open arms, great smiles.
I think of the open space where I am gifted to live,
where wind experiences freedom to blow.
Where trees are strongly rooted and enjoy the shaking out of cobwebs.
Where branches dance up and down shaking off the old leaves.
I take out my rugs and blanket and allow the refreshment
of wind (air) to clear out winter's stagnation.
I feel happy with this wind.
Wind teaches me of reaching out, carrying sounds, jumping,
singing and dancing.
Wind teaches me about expanding my view,
it tests my resistance and resilience.
Wind teaches me how to stand strong against forces which can become complex, by teaching me to seek places of shelter.
Wind teaches me to exercise my calmness by allowance and surrender to peace.
Wind teaches me to stand, walk, run and it teaches me to fly.
I learn about laughter and delight and extension and persistence"
Exercise: Cooking
Goal: The development of friendship
Teacher: The Wind
Day one journal entry: Today I begin my day with the intention of being present in the art of cooking. Cooking is an exercise because it is a creative act which will help me to activate my passion, apply and develop skill and focus and use my energies in a way which allows for growth and inner and outer connection with my life.
So today I think about the lessons of the wind and I will use the sentence:
"My thoughts wander to the natural state of long strides,
open arms, great smiles."
I bend down reaching into the cupboard. Instead of my usual rushed self, I think of myself as if the wind were blowing me. I reach and take a breath; I bend and feel sensations of heat in my spine... as my arms, legs and spine work together as I make my way to the cupboard below. Suddenly I find that I am in conscious relation to by physical form, my physical body. I sense myself as real, I experience a smile move over my face and I feel light hearted. I laugh at myself and I pat myself on the back. Nice work in step one of friendship. I am becoming my friend. As I become a friend to myself, I can be a better friend to those who I am in relation with............ maybe tomorrow I will be like the wind and sing while I bend.
Connect with us my sisters and brothers
Sit among Us within the circle of life.
Be in communion with our relatives and ancestors
Above, below, beside, in front and behind.
Let the fire of our circle reflect the light and dark of each of us.
Let us laugh away the fears which wish take hold.
Let us drum our hearts into the harmony of one common dance and song.
Let us comfort one another in tears of joy,
Ever holding one another through each stage and step of our lives.
Let us remember that today is but a day,
And tomorrow is but a day,
And yesterday is but a day.
And each day brings its own faces of the spirit of friendship.
Let us forever be in allowance and of a generous heart-mind
That we may remember always that we are brothers and sisters
Friends of One Family.
InLoving gratitude for life,
Willow JiMi Tequillo
Willow JiMi 2011-09-26 15:25:51
New Earth Seed Being, it is your world, do as you will with it.
I realize the opportunities before me.
Full consciousness not present,
yet Presence only in the realizations that I have the opportunity to co-create
in the fullest potential of my supreme quality.
That fullest quality comes only in the examination of completion.
Completion being the clearest gateway for death, end of journey, plateau.
Completion, accomplishment, fruition manifested in physical form.
ReMake, when things are done;
open hearts as life participated in fully, remarkably.
Savoring stillness, the refuge place of happiness.
Moments become endless memories drops of akasia's manna.
Desire to co-create again, is birthed here.
New moments not old.
New moments of life's ingredients.
And so here in New Seed Being, we move on to further that
which we are created to BE.
BE Happy in fullest conscious awareness.
I Dream of Yoga
the unity of all that I Am
in Equanimity.
I dream of the healing of the lower
spine of the human being.
The place where the Divine meets
the Human form in compassion.
This space where transcendence rarely
allows for the physical form to maintain
sustainability in human form.
This space where Ascension as fully
human fully divine
co-create within the strength of beautiful splendor.
I dream of moving from the unknowing human mind
of 'what are the components of human existence which make up
equanimity or cause physical form disease.
Yet in my deepest knowing, I realize that this very question
IS the course of resistance and duality.
Rather I remember the Thought rather than the question...
The powerful thought of equanimity, and I remember............
"Everything is an experiment
and life is our experience"
I new seed being then accept that I Am the tone in which
we blend our experiences. I am the formation from which our
experiences defines the validity of authenticity.
In a single moment of Presence, I become that which we are,
combined and co-mingled.
A single moment of presence - co-creates more power than
a lifetime of fragmentation. Chaos does birth the new through the
keeping warmth through actions.
Yet patience, tolerance and diligence also show that actions can be
sustained in balanced energies of equanimity.
Beautiful splendor does experience life through actions stimulated and
sustained in the balanced center of equanimity.
Beautiful splendor teaches that there is a strength, determination and
resilience to the steady hearts action and inaction;
as it transcends the expectation of this or that.
Beautiful splendor holds it gaze upon the sun, the light.....both within
and without. A single point of focus in unification without discrepancy.
Being without discrepancy implies the dissolution of duality
thus giving equal value to polarity
which honors the experience
of the inner to outer
and the outer to inner
to reveal experience and identify the validity and authenticity of truth.
For authentic truth comes from Beauty.
Kant said, "Judgments of aesthetic value rely on our ability to
discriminate at a sensory level and linked to capacity of pleasure.
Judgments of beauty are sensory, emotional and intellectual all at once."
Determination of truth begins in the authentic experience of equanimity.
Equanimity implies 'more than one'.
Equanimity then implies two equal parts thus making a third part which
is held by either/or/both and sustained and maintained by in the highest
vibrational capacity of the whole.
Whole, here implying the, point of stillness or equanimity.
Validity of truth being the authenticity of presence in experience which
co-creates unity through co-operation. JUST IS
Again, truth is discovered through the authenticity of experience.
The practice of clear thinking allows for authenticity to be experienced in a
greater degree.
In nature of plant life, the flower can be identified as truth through its characteristics. Identity of any given being on this planet can be identified through
its character as a whole and characteristics as parts.
Characteristics can be identified through the senses:
Name.............. Quality.............. Character..........
Character = senses through the three bodies informs the Soul through the gateway of emotion.
Senses = touch, smell, taste, hearing, seeing, visioning, dreaming
Mind dreams touch
mind dreams smell
mind dreams taste
mind dreams tone
mind dreams sight
mind dreams vision (of future through past)
Mind dreams Presence
Physical form through experience of the same.
Emotions identify the experience as characteristics which
form the language of character.
Character identifies boundary of this or that
which can create judgementalism
yet whose purpose or intention is simply to
identify authenticity of experience.
When we move through judgementalism we gain the
perspective of equanimity as a whole state of experiences
which are valid.
Dualistic material is simply the pattern which allows
for identification of likeness for that which is experienced
'from inner to outer'
'from outer to inner.
Processes which allow for identification of likeness validate
authentic character thus makes room in generous allowance
for forms which see identity, unification, equanimity, validity.
Love is a container of all that Is.
We are the New Seed Beings the container of all that is in
equanimity of harmony and peace.
"As we choose this view,
What does our world look like?
When I choose the path of splendor in happiness I am reminded that splendor is the emotional wisdom of co-operation through divine and human miracles.
It lives in the manifestation of soul within the body of the human being and it holds the beauty of eternity as a dream of joy infinitely.
My world looks like Hope and everyday becoming the fuller expression of dreams manifesting in the miracles that are held for each child of the universe.
WE are all children of the universe. WE are the matter inspirited, we are the source and resource, the gift and the womb, the heart and the feeling. We are the All that Is as All is the All that is. WE are the rock, the wind, the waterfall and still pond, the mud, the Earth, the fire and the flame, we are the air and wing and sun and moon. We are the fairies and angels, the shaman and avatar.
"We are the We that we have been looking for."(Hopi Elder)
What contribution does your life reflect in Eternity?
My contributions are of me, my authentic self, unrelenting, unyielding sight within the eternal dream of love. I contribute my heart and my mind, my physical body and my soul to All That Is until I am No-thing within the Great Mystery of No-Thing. I am an endless reflection of eternal matter sustaining infinitely the eternal dream of vision, clarity and sight; knowing to trust in the truth of happiness. I contribute an inspired faith which honors that which I have come to know, contributing the sacredness of my being, which is my deep love for that which I do not know. I contribute All that I Am in freedom and surrender.
Questions for individual and group consideration:
Choose your supreme quality or a quality that most resonates with opening your heart in tenderness.
How does my quality support happiness in this world?
My quality of Splendor supports happiness in the world by reminding us of the easy way to happiness. Splendor touches the inner heart and allows for energies which are laying dormant to spring forth in gratitude and spark the passion within for all life.
How do I actively support my quality in happiness?
I actively support my quality of splendor by co-creating universal teachings which inspires the desire of individuals to find the sacred heart within and explore each individual's song and dance of creation.
How do I co-create happiness in my personal walk
I co-create happiness in my personal walk by taking time each day to bring my supreme quality of splendor into the consciousness of my bodies. I speak in gratitude to and with my supreme quality and I allow splendor to move through me and inspirit me and connect this enlightened part of myself to expand and explore all that is within me and all that is without me.
I co-create happiness in my walk with my family, by allowing my supreme quality to be the light within me to touch the light within each of my family members. So it is in our conversations and connections there is a sacred and safe melting and melding space between us which always clears the path for our common union.
I co-create happiness in my walk with my friends, by allowing my supreme quality of splendor to see the joy in their lives. I go here first and in this way my heart opens with tenderness and I find it easy to share in the sacredness that is common to our lives. I find a peaceful and steady place within me which holds and offers the opportunity for sharing and mutual care, respect and trust.
I co-create happiness in my walk with my community by keeping an eye and open heart in splendor. I see and experience a common heart desire for splendor in our community, and I hold a passionate space for splendor here for all. I hold the focused point of light in splendor. It is here that I begin.......
I use this interaction between my quality of splendor and happiness to support Joy in our world by feeding my dream and the universal dream of happiness for all.
I use this interaction between my quality and happiness to support Beauty in our world by being all that I am and all that I dream.
I use this interaction between my quality of splendor and happiness to bring care and ease into our world by believing that both are free and universal gifts available to all, without exception.
I use this interaction of splendor in happiness as charitable steps of Hope in our world by living day to day in every way that I know how to be the all that I can be. By taking into consideration that we may need to learn and experience trusting in happiness and it is a worthy and valid pathway of living.
Make sure you take each question and answer through your various bodies.
My mind thinks that there is hope and possibility for all happiness.
My emotions know the eternal love that exists and I feel happy.
I experience energies of radiating light energy which emanate from my heart and expand out ward in front of me and throughout my bodies.
Again answer:
As we choose this view share with one another,
What does our world look like?
What contribution do our lives reflect in Eternity?
In the Joy of Open Hearted Tenderness may you/we be continually blessed to share this path in the Miracles of Splendor of Happiness."
Willow JiMi 2011-09-08 12:11:05
I Dream of Yoga
the unity of all that I Am
in Equanimity.
I dream of the healing of the lower
spine of the human being.
The place where the Divine meets
the Human form in compassion.
This space where transcendence rarely
allows for the physical form to maintain
sustainability in human form.
This space where Ascension as fully
human fully divine
co-create within the strength of beautiful splendor.
I dream of moving from the unknowing human mind
of 'what are the components of human existence which make up
equanimity or cause physical form disease.
Yet in my deepest knowing, I realize that this very question
IS the course of resistance and duality.
Rather I remember the Thought rather than the question...
The powerful thought of equanimity, and I remember..........
"Everything is an experiment
and life is our experience"
I new seed being then accept that I Am the tone in which
we blend our experiences. I am the formation from which our
experiences defines the validity of authenticity.
In a single moment of Presence, I become that which we are,
combined and co-mingled.
A single moment of presence -co-creates more power than
a lifetime of fragmentation. Chaos does birth the new through the
keeping warmth through actions.
Yet patience, tolerance and diligence also show that actions can be
sustained in balanced energies of equanimity.
Beautiful splendor does experience life through actions stimulated and
sustained in the balanced center of equanimity.
Beautiful splendor teaches that there is a strength, determination and
resilience to the steady hearts action and inaction;
as it transcends the expectation of this or that.
Beautiful splendor holds it gaze upon the sun, the light.....both within
and without. A single point of focus in unification without discrepancy.
Being without discrepancy implies the dissolution of duality
thus giving equal value to polarity
which honors the experience
of the inner to outer
and the outer to inner
to reveal experience and identify the validity and authenticity of truth.
For authentic truth comes from Beauty.
Kant said, "Judgments of aesthetic value rely on our ability to
discriminate at a sensory level and linked to capacity of pleasure.
Judgments of beauty are sensory, emotional and intellectual all at once."
Determination of truth begins in the authentic experience of equanimity.
Equanimity implies 'more than one'.
Equanimity then implies two equal parts thus making a third part which
is held by either/or/both and sustained and maintained by in the highest
vibrational capacity of the whole.
Whole, here implying the, point of stillness or equanimity.
Validity of truth being the authenticity of presence in experience which
co-creates unity through co-operation. JUST IS
Again, truth is discovered through the authenticity of experience.
The practice of clear thinking allows for authenticity to be experienced in a
greater degree.
In nature of plant life, the flower can be identified as truth through its characteristics.
Identity of any given being on this planet can be identified through its character as a whole and characteristics as parts.
Characteristics can be identified through the senses:
Name.............. Quality.............. Character.........
Character = senses through the three bodies informs the Soul through the gateway of emotion.
Senses = touch, smell, taste, hearing, seeing, visioning, dreaming
Mind dreams touch
mind dreams smell
mind dreams taste
mind dreams tone
mind dreams sight
mind dreams vision (of future through past)
Mind dreams Presence
Physical form through experience of the same.
Emotions identify the experience as characteristics which
form the language of character.
Character identifies boundary of this or that
which can create judgementalism
yet whose purpose or intention is simply to
identify authenticity of experience.
When we move through judgementalism we gain the
perspective of equanimity as a whole state of experiences
which are valid.
Dualistic material is simply the pattern which allows
for identification of likeness for that which is experienced
'from inner to outer'
'from outer to inner'.
Processes which allow for identification of likeness validate
authentic character thus makes room in generous allowance
for forms which see identity, unification, equanimity, validity.
Love is a container of all that Is.
We are the New Seed Beings the container of all that is in
equanimity of harmony and peace.
Willow JiMi 2011-08-29 17:45:29
New Earth Seed Being, it is your world, do as you will with it.
I realize the opportunities before me.
Full consciousness not present,
yet Presence only in the realizations that I have the opportunity to co-create
in the fullest potential of my supreme quality.
That fullest quality comes only in the examination of completion.
Completion being the clearest gateway for death, end of journey, plateau.
Completion, accomplishment, fruition manifested in physical form.
ReMake, when things are done;
open hearts as life participated in fully, remarkably.
Savoring stillness, the refuge place of happiness.
Moments become endless memories drops of akasia's manna.
Desire to co-create again, is birthed here.
New moments not old.
New moments of life's ingredients.
And so here in New Seed Being, we move on to further that
which we are created to BE.
BE Happy in fullest conscious awareness.
Copyright © 2005 by Willow Tequillo.
A Sacred Reflections original.
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
Contemplation 3 for Self Examination
First Sacred Reflections Edition, 2005.
All rights reserved.
No part of this meditation may be reproduced in any manner without written permission except for quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
Emotions through Qualities Worksheet
Decent and Ascent of the Divine Human Being
Intention: The intention of this exercise is to aid the individual in a universal understanding of Divine Human Being InLove or "The Origin of Universal Oneness as Unity"
Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to gain Full Awareness and Understanding of the process of Descent, and Ascension.
Objectives: The objectives of this exercise is to:
- Re-familiarize the Body(ies) with "SENSE" through the feeling of Emotion and the Experience of Love.
- Gain clarity of the properties which make up "Love" on all levels through the process of experience of emotion in all bodies with the Qualities of Love.
Over the course of the last 6 months you have been working through a process of definition, language, identification, classification and qualification. You have been learning the language of the soul and how to bring the soul awareness of eternity into the ego awareness of time and space. Through this integration there have been many challenges which have lead you to question all that you are about, redefining who and what you are and why you are here.
"In the process of awakening to LIGHT, we have had to learn to identify our center of focus and perception. Creating a space within to fully embrace the aspects of ourselves that have been foreign and yet have held for us a sacred space and memory of importance. This has all been for the purpose of Ascending to the Higher Being."
Ascending into the Higher Being of Divine Human Being InLove, requires an understanding of Higher Realms. The following is a "BRIEF" on the current process of integration, transition and understanding that you are currently working through. This present examination completes the Human Being in full integrated awareness and it begins the development of the New Seed Being.
Because we are striving to BE "Conscious Divine Human Beings" we are seeking a greater understanding of the intensive life process that we are now going through. Therefore we are curious about our transformation. Our curiosity is feeding our desire to learn. Our learning is for the purpose of Universal Conscious Evolution. We are teachers in a world which is transforming. We are the foot.
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
Soldiers, the path finders, Amethyst Essenes, the circle keepers........ we are the New Breed Healers - the Warriors of Our Time. We are here to provide clarity and center in a world of chaos and disillusionment. So let us be open to Higher Realms of Understanding and let us provide our Divine guides and counsels the freedom to teach us what we so desire to know.
An understanding of the Chakra system is important.
Formula for Human Being (diagram 1 below) - Use your prior Trinity Meditations to help you to gain clarity on the components of Trinity. Think about the progression of your understanding has moved you from the initial human 4th world duality to a 7th world Divine understanding of the Trinity components. See if you can remember when the shift occurred in you heart chakra. Examine your notes for transitional shifts.
***The major shifts occurred in the "heart" chakra where the Merkaba and the Dance of Creation bring the Descending "Spirit" energy (Love) and the Ascending Human energy (Love) into the Communion of the Heart. Here the shift into the next awareness occurs. This movement becomes the shift into the next "world" i.e.....4th world of duality, 5th world Communion, 6th Common Passion (Compassion), 7th Co-Operation (Moving together in union of one movement in freedom and freewill participation through communion and compassion). The Time of Time ends in 7th world and a complete new seed for new earth formation begins in ONE (8) Unity. New Earth in ALL Aspects of Co-Creation.
We experience fragmented levels of understandings of the various worlds because we are present in dimensions of time/space continuum, i.e. present in past, present in now and present in future, we experience aspect of all worlds. Our access to full understanding is limited by our linear mind thinking. Linear Mind is dominated by the Ego. Information from memories are fragmented and our knowing blocked to wholistic understanding of who we are and why we are here. Our challenge as New Breed Healers is to open the gateways by becoming Fully Conscious on all levels of our being. We begin to open gateways of consciousness by learning in an aware state of Oneness of Ego and Soul. Conscious connections are maintained and sustained in Personal Understanding of Truth and Honor thus leading us to the greatest dimensional aware nesses and awakening to what it means to be InCommunion (5th world), InCompassion (6th world) and InCo-operation(7th world). Each individual quality that we personally OWN is one GOLDEN KEY InCo-Creation.
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
1 Chakra Seven: Thought, Universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge This is the crown chakra that relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is our connection to the greater world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of all-knowing. When developed, this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss.
Chakra Six: Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection This chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As such it opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels. When healthy it allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us "see the big picture."
Chakra Five: Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression This is the chakra located in the throat and is thus related to communication and creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language.
Chakra Four: Air, Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance This chakra is called the heart chakra and is the middle chakra in a system of seven. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and centeredness.
Chakra Three: Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition This chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our personal power, will, and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power.
1 1 Chakra - Anodea Judith, Chakras
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
Chakra Two: Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification The second chakra, located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs, is related to the element water, and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.
Chakra One: Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence."
Formula for Human Being (diagram 1)
4th World Linear Mind - Human Being View of Self
In the 4th, 5th and 6th world transitional experience most humans are consciously working with a 7 chakra understanding while consciously or unconsciously working through the 12 chakra system. Our task is to learn to understand the qualities of each of the worlds and to integrate fullest conscious aware nesses in our mind body, physical body, emotional body and soul body. Full conscious Integration requires that we allow Spirit (the conduit energy of Love) to fully possess and reveal it SELF to Us on all levels. This requires that we Honor our Lives and our Being!!!!!!!!
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
1st Trinity Divine Mind 2nd Trinity Divine Knowing 3rd Trinity Divine Emotion Common Union merging of worlds 4th to 5th, 5th to 6th, 6th to 7th... Torus2 In geometry, a torus (pl. tori) is a doughnut-shaped surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle about an axis coplanar with the circle. The sphere is a special case of the torus obtained when the axis of rotation is a diameter of the circle. If the axis of rotation does not intersect the circle, the torus has a hole in the middle and resembles a ring doughnut, a hula hoop or an inflated tire. The other case, when the axis of rotation is a chord of the circle, produces a sort of squashed sphere resembling a round cushion. Torus was the Latin word for a cushion of this shape.
3Rotating a circle about a line tangent to it creates a torus, which is similar to a donut shape where the center exactly touches all the "rotated circles." The surface of the torus can be covered with 7 distinct areas, all of which touch each other; an example of the classic "map problem" where one tries to find a map where the least number of unique colors are needed. In this 3-dimensional case, 7 colors are needed, meaning that the torus has a high degree of "communication" across its surface. The image shown is a "birds-eye" view.
2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image: Torus.jpg
3 Sacred Geometry Home Page by Bruce Rawles; http://www.intent.com/sq/
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
3rd Trinity Human Emotion (Will)
2nd Trinity Human Knowing (Matter)
1st Trinity Human Mind
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
Transitions from Circle into Spiral through Trinities This spiral generated by a recursive nest of Golden Triangles (triangles with relative side lengths of 1, phi and phi) is the classic shape of the Chambered Nautilus shell. The creature building this shell uses the same proportions for each expanded chamber that is added; growth follows a law which is everywhere the same. The outer triangle is the same as one of the five "arms" of the pentagonal graphic.... 4 Duality 4th into 5th world
Intention of 4th to 5th world transition is for the Human Ego Will to ascend by seeking communion with High Self Soul memory.
Human Being View (Human view is an Ascent)
Divine has already Descended through incarnation of creation.
Intention of Both Human and Divine is Co-Creation
Duality Night Dreaming and Day Dreaming
Human Being Seeking Vision
Duality of Voice and Ancestor
Human Being Seeking Meaning in Lineage
Duality of Human connection to Heart
Human Being Seeking Life Purpose
Heart is Divided in two worlds
Will is divided in two worlds Responsibilities are divided Personal Identity is in question
4 Sacred Geometry Home Page by Bruce Rawles; http://www.intent.com/sq/
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
The experience of the Human Being is the feeling of living in two worlds. And this is truth. Raising conscious vibration requires the individual to examine forth and fifth world values and create an inner landscape of reconciliation. Trust in ALL is the Big Picture. Division and separation begin to be understood. This First Enlightenment occurs successfully ONLY through Surrender of Ego Will to Divine Intervention of Grace/Grace and Surrender. This is the most Difficult of the Three Enlightenments.
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
Communion 5th to 6th world transition
In the 5th to 6th world transition, the HEART is the focus. Here Human Being meets Divine in the complete exploration of Divine Dream and Intention. In this world "LOVE" is experienced on all levels and in all ways. Both Spiritual Cosmos and Spiritual Earth unite in the glorious Dance of Creation. Joy and Beauty are discovered and the sacred marriage of self/meeting Self occurs. Ego and Soul join in discovery of Highest Intention and Magic Happens.
Divine Heart and Human Heart meet.
Potential Meet in common purpose
Night Dreaming and Day Dreaming become one memory.
Human Being Seeking Vision through heart influence
Voice and Ancestor speak
Human Being Seeking Meaning in lineage through heart
Heart is experiencing Oneness on many levels
Will seeks balance in understanding and experiences beauty,
Responsibility gives way to the exploration of Ego/Soul Personal Identity begins RE-Formation
Human Being Seeking Potential Purpose
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
Compassion 6th to 7th world transition
Divine and Human meeting in common purpose and passion. Freedom through Surrender
Divine Heart and Human Heart meet.
Divine and Human meeting in common purpose and passion
Night/Day Dream become one eternal memory.
Human Being embraced by Vision through heart/will
Voice and Ancestor speak one intention
Human/Ancestral lineage through heart/will
Heart is experiencing Oneness on many levels
Will is in balance in understanding and experiences joy.
Ego/Soul together find meaning in this incarnation Personal Identity becomes awareness to serve
Human Being finds Soul Purpose is Love
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
Co-Operation 7th world transition to Time in Eternity
Freewill Participation
Divine Heart and Human Heart meet.
Divine and Human meeting in common purpose, passion and co-operation.
Night/Day Dream become one eternal memory.
Human Being embracing Vision heart/will
Voice and Ancestor speak act in one intention
Human/Ancestral lineage through heart/will/action
Heart is experiencing Oneness on many levels
Will experiences beauty as joy and joy as beauty.
Ego/Soul together co-celebrate this incarnation Personal Identity becomes awareness to serve as a teacher
Human Being finds Soul Purpose is Love
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
Co-Creation Time in Eternity
Celebrating Divine Human Being InLove
Divine Human Being InLove
Divine Human Co-Creative Birth in Communion, Compassion and Co-operation.
Night/Day Dream become one eternal memory.
Human Being embracing Vision heart/will
I Am Ancestor speaking in one action and intention
Heart is experiencing Oneness on all levels
Will experiences beauty as joy and joy as beauty.
Ego/Soul together co-celebrate this incarnation Personal Identity becomes awareness to serve as a teacher
Human Being finds Soul Purpose is Love
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
3rd Trinity Emotion (Will)
2nd Trinity Knowing (Matter)
1st Trinity Mind
Complete Union (4th Trinity Communion) physical being of Human
This 7 chakra awareness/understanding is that of the Human Being. (diagram 1)
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
In our work we are awakening to the Divine Human Being.
The Divine Human Being is made up of 12 fully awakened Charkas. In the awakening to the Higher Realms, one must first have a grasp on the 7 chakras, how they work as energy systems within the physical, emotional, mental and soul bodies. With a basic understanding one can learn to keep the bodies clear while integrating the move into an understanding of the other five.
Working in 4th World Duality
Brief Description of the formula for Divine + Human Encounter:
The Human Being is the Container of the Senses or is Body with Feelings.
The Body is referred to as the Temple of Divine Source because:
- Divine Human Being InLove = Divine participation in Human Being through the process of Descent
Descent encompasses the following formula:
Creative Forces Of Love =
4 Essential Qualities of the Nature of Love +
4 Essential Seed Essences Of Love +
Human participation in Divine Being through the process of Ascension
Ascent or Ascension encompasses the following formula:
7 Primary Characteristics Of Love +
7 human senses and feelings of Love +
42 qualities of the Human Being of Love
= "The Divine Human Being InLove".
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
Chakra Four: Air, Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance This chakra is called the heart chakra and is the middle chakra in a system of seven. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and centeredness
- Emotion is fully realized through the Human Being, the container of (7) Senses or Body with Feeling.) (5th World - Silent/Unseen Transition of Communion. Integration of Mind and Matter in New World Being.)
- When the Human Being fully experiences (Feels) each of the Essential Essences as Qualities, through each of the Senses; Divine encounter takes place through the Human Being.
(6th World - Insight Transmutation) This is where the soul is able to move forward in the life of matter and be substantiated by the ego. Here the soul begins to reveal the wonder of life. Light and Light and Self are seen and experienced as the Dance and Song of recreation/reformation. Here revelations from both world are embraced in physical form and the Magic of Life, brings forth the Mystery of Living. - Conjointly the encounter is experienced both by the Human Being and Divine,
- When the Human Being experiences Knowing "personal" Divinity through the experience of all of the body senses, qualities and essences; the Individual Consciousness, Communal Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness occurs in the process of Ascension in that order.
- Right Relation with self and others occurs and the Song of Creation is Sung Universally.
- Regeneration of the Bodies and Ascension of the Being Occurs on a Physically Cosmic Level. (7th world)
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
Outline Graph of Co-Creative Love
42 qualities
of the Human Being
Senses/feeling with:
7 human senses of
7 Primary
Of Love
Love Divine
Human Emotion
4 Essential
4 Essential Qualities of the Nature of
Creative Forces
Love =
Spiritual Cosmos/
Creative Spiritual
7 - Vision Crown 7. Freewill Love Mind (Michael) 1st Trinity Communion Magic/ Air
6 - Intuition - Third-eye 6. Surrender/ Humility Love Knowing (Gabriel) 2nd Trinity Compassion Mystery/Water
5 - Sight Eyes 5. Beauty/ Adoration Love Emotion (Uriel) 3rd Trinity Co-Operation Miracle/Fire
4 - Touch Body 4. Strength/ Perseverance Love Co-Creation (Raphael) 4th Trinity Co-Creation Co-Creation/ Earth
3 - Listen-hearing/ Ears 3. Clarity/ Wisdom
Love Emotion (Uriel) 3rd Trinity Co-Operation Fire/ Miracle
2 - Taste/Mouth 2. Hope/ Vision Love
Knowing (Gabriel) 2nd Trinity Compassion Water/Mystery
1 - Mouth-Breath /Nose 1. Joy/ Happiness
Love Mind (Michael) 1st Trinity Communion Air/ Magic
- Humility
- Joy Love
- Steadfast Love
- Honest Love
- Perseverance Love
- Communication Love
- Honor Love
- Clarity Love
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
- Passion Love
Summary Statement of my physical, mental, and emotional feelings at this moment of completion. And so on and so forth.
Summary: Day 8
Reexamine your contemplations.
- What have you learned about being connected within the physical body of matter?
Sacred Reflections
Center for Transformational Awareness
Descent and Ascent of Emotions Through Qualities
By Willow Tequillo
Name _________________________
Submission Date _________________________
- How has your awareness of your feelings within your body created discernment for your emotions?
- What do you know today about feelings and emotions?
- Submit a copy of this process to Willow upon completion.
Blessings and Peace,
Wisdom of Matter
Willow JiMi 2011-09-06 17:48:49
I place my Source at the top of my head
the top of my altar
and in sight from every view.
I ask to be fully embraced for I need to feel the sanctuary of bying held in my fullest self
that I may be of service in our fullest form.
Transcendental Wisdom of Energy, Vigor, diligence
Action......... Outside of Time
Inaction............ Within Time
This is the strength of Soul splendor
This is Manifestation of Beautiful splendor
Silence is the action of inaction
the seat of the inbetween
Inbetween breath and light
inbetween shadow and dark
inbetween in and out
inbetween above and beyond
inbetween twilight and light
inbetween dusk and night
Splendor lives here in the inbetween
The Soul lives here,
hovering amidst the rosy golden rays of first and last.
Bearing rays of hope for a New Peace.
Retrieving rays of wisdom for a new peace.
New world formation is glistened here.
Particles forgotten, covered or simply lost to sight,
suddenly become manageable, tangible, valuable and sustainable.
Gravitating, returning to the original intention and purpose.
Gathering from expansion returning to Contract.
Contraction of likenesses, forming a golden density of light matter
pliable, valuable, resource, and resourceful.
It could be about worthiness on lower conscious levels
however, here it is the complete willful return to Source.
Action in timelessness
Inaction in time
As I sit in Silence, I Am Awake
Action of determined consciousness.
Determined consciousness requires a Quiet Mind ever from Determination.
Vigor, practice diligence of surrender and freewill participation.
For the action IS to Be in freewill participation.
Inaction in Tims - stillness, relaxation, Being the Flow of Stillness.
I Dream - I allow the Universe, my source, to fill my hopes in co-creative effort.
I Vision - I see the dreams of the Universe.
may be the last of the milestones of Attachment
to Metta.
Wave of matter is where knowing to love takes place.
Through the waves of matter, an epiphany of 'knowing what matters' occurs.
Waves of light (Great Spirit, energy, life force) Interrelate within the physical body as form and matter. Spirit and Soul meet in compassion within this form and matter.
All universal polarities are explored in sacred geometric form as masculine/feminine, harmonic and color, straight and curve. The light waves as 'matter' define the energy flow within and without the being as the ascent into higher realms of conscious connection begins to occur. On a physical level the body experiences a softening as physical matter breaks hard and set patterns within the physical form.
The mind begins to experience illuminating thoughts as
the brain transmits energies of light through the newly defined energy streams.
The emotional body experiences great floods of emotions as
feelings are sorted and examined.
This process further develops the strength of Spirit and calls forth the Soul to
remember and re-member.
Knowing to love what matters occurs through the integration spirit and soul into mind body, physical body, and emotional body. The awareness of Knowing what Matters creates the space for clarity, balance and ultimate understanding of life purpose.
AWM # 246 Divine Faith Human Ascension:
Inwardly I seek connection with myself, that part of me which/who knows what matters and is fluidly sustainable. As the rock of faith, energetically we connect the particles of matter in harmonics of waves unseen, yet strong in resonance. Gravitational fields are universal waves which carry the various qualities of my Being as light streams and heavenly rays. Heart song upon the strings of emotions.. Life.. Feeling... Journey. Splendor is my rock of Life. Beauty the mountain of Co-Creation. How does your least known quality give way for a harmonic within your heart, creating space for the supporting pathway of gentle peace and ease?
Just for today I think about people who support me and the ways in which I feel supported. I think about how they come into my life with their wonderful qualities and share their experience of their qualities with me. I realize in this moment that when I learn to dance with another person's qualities the way that they do, then I feel seen, heard and want to share in further co-operation. I realize that when I experience another person's qualities in a way that is foreign to them they can feel challenged. Challenge can be experienced as an untruth or a way that is uncomfortable. When both people are open in humility, then the different experience of these qualities can be seen and explored as unconditional love. Unconditional Love or Metta, is love without attachment. Metta or love without attachment creates a peaceful ease which creates a resonance for growth. A resonance within, centered in a desire for a journey of creativity based in two (i.e. becoming co-creative). This co-creativity becomes a harmony and a dance. A common passionate song which resonates beautifully as the Mystery of life. When we co-create from this foundational place of mutual respect, common courteously, easy and gentle allowance, genuine unity with self intention and motivation.. then we come to remember that our life is a journey of great beauty. In our song of joy and heart mind connection we know happiness as the very core and cord of our essence. And we come to appreciate deeply, cherishing without condition, the qualities shared with us by the experience of the other.
Blessed Be
Letter of Spiritual Direction
May we surrender in Gratitude our very existence as Us to Friendship that is WE.
5th Awareness
Transcending Spiritual Heaven and Spiritual Earth
I am Spiritual Cosmos, the connection between Divine Heaven and Divine Earth
In Compassion, I am the colors of the Wind
In Soul Manifestation, I am the Sap of the Tree
In Hope Becoming, am the great and small rock of the mountain
In Emotional Wisdom, am the water, in mist, cloud and sea,
Transcendence requires that we must see ourselves as human and know ourselves as divine.
Through this process our steps can feel wavy, in our minds which can become lost in the whirl wind of 'things'. This writing is an offering of sanctuary given to you in hope that you may find the sanctuary of your home.
Divine Letter to My Human Friend,
Subject: Quality of Unity from the quality of Unity in the aspect of Friendship.
Cycle of Life Prayer: May each of us share with each other the wisdom of open hearted tenderness, born of humility in joy and in peace.
The mystery of you dear friend constantly surprises me. I watch as you wander about choosing this and that and trying the various combinations of materials for your creative endeavors.
I support you in your creativity and hear you as you so earnestly seek guidance and yet freedom front guidance This offering is what I have offered as large enough sphere to hold ad. Thus allowing you the freedom to fully experience yourself in freewill (without hindrance).
And yet this great freedom has often left you feeling alone and abandoned.
And so in holding our intention of freewill participation, I give you devotion in another way.
When you seek to find me or wonder if I am there remember that I am compassion in the colors of the wind. Leaves which change form and color with the cycles and seasons I am buds forming into flowers and flowers bursting forth hope as essences in fragrance. I am Cloud People playing with Father Sun as rainbows of delight ham Moon Beams of inspiration in hopeful appreciation of a new day.
I am your friend the sap of the tree, Soul manifestation within you I am leaf, honey comb and honey. Let me help you to remember that life is intrinsically sweet. And naturally sweetness is sheltered as the inner core of delight and devotion. This deep resonance is who we are in unity and together we become the creative Being that WE ARE.
I am hope that becomes your creation as you dream formation of great and small rocks of the mountain. We are grains of sand sitting next to each other, particles of dirt in beds that hold tulips. Blending forms, breaking down and building uр.
Remember me; I am, Emotional Wisdom. I am the water. In mist, cloud and sea. Receive my gratitude for your life, for I am the water in mist cloud and sea. The smooth fluid motion both within and without.
You human are a friend to me. I am that you are and you are Beauty. Like the colors of the wind you make things of color and you wear things of color. Some of you can emanate greatly the colors of Soul.
Some of you can take each color through your physical form and create a fluid space for your emotions to feel the qualities that you are.
You are the sap of the tree, the glue which holds Conscious Awareness and Rate of Speed intact. You are the fluid memory of emotions which give life memory to creation. Do you Remember who you are? Each round or circle within the trunk of the tree is fed by the memories of experience of friendships, unity and companionship.
You are the great and small rock of the mountain, where your truth of living becomes solid, a step in evolution, a stone as a mountain of same same comprehension. A sanctuary and fortress which holds the memories of all time made of Conscious Awareness.
You are the water in mist, cloud and sea. And like the mountain you give channel and pathway for emotion to freely move through you. Thus allowing for deep crevices to be soothed, touched, explored and reformed.
And it is here that we my human friend become enlightened, 'body of matter filled with the light of that we already are For WE are ONE, WE are both the dream and the dreamer, the pathway and the path, the color and the sound....... you are that IS, WE. Blessed.
Pathway of Compassion, give us the grace to know the miracles of our lives,
Grant us hearts that are open to freedom.
Clear our minds of stuff and give us focus, clear direction, expansive vision. Give us a place where we may open our wings freely and fly in blissful joy.
Inlove and Grace,
Willow JiMi
As we begin the journey of the second step into the Second Trinity, we come to understand something of how magic is working in manifesting way in our lives. We come to realize that we have cleaned out the old energy pathways, really! and new we are ready to begin to understand who we really are. This is such an expansive time in our journey as we begin to play with the universe in understanding who we are and what our relationship is to that which we are a part of and outside of and inside of. We are truly dancing with the universe.
In this awareness we are really going to try to stay in center. WE no longer have that need or desire or dependency or co-dependency to play in that which does not help us to travel upon the path of forward
movement. We have patience and acceptance that we are where we are in our process and we allow others their process without the rebuttal of what we think we know about another's path. We realize that our own crude comments, thoughts and attitudes of the past have only served to dishearten another and how does that really help the higher good or the highest potential of the whole, which is me too 😊
We realize that we can now play within the safety of our friends and when we oops... we can laugh and smile at ourselves and remember that we are still on the path in all of our complexities. WE realize that we are here to support one another and criticism is a reflection of an old pattern of self worth and another channel needs to be opened with 5th world awareness and we are here to discover what that pathway is.
Second Trinity
Second Awareness in Second Trinity: Knowing
The color of Turquoise
The sacred geometric shape is the circle with the double infinity sign in the center.
The geometric # 6
Lessons of Freedom and Freewill
Purpose: Defines Energy Flow to Love
How do I surrender in Allowance, recognizing that both the Magic and Mystery of Life is valid?
In what ways do I allow all co-creative forces to fully take my dream and recreate them in a way which surprises and enlightens me?
You will be working with the first 5 steps of your individual thread.
List your individual Qualities with their geometric form and color.
Have the list of your threads with the Divine Qualities and Human Qualities in word form geometric, geometric shape, and geometric color.
Here is a basic format for you to follow:
- Figure out the sacred geometric of the day
To do this add all of the #'s together
Example: February 7, 2008 = 0+ 2 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1
The sacred geometric for the day is 1.
Clue basic numbers are equal to the earth plane.
'0' or zero always refers to the heavenly plane.
In the case of ten '10' you are influenced by heaven and earth in union today.
- Determines of my qualities which will I work with today,
- What Matrix/Grid # am I on?
- What Individual Thread # am I on?
Example: Suzy
#1 Qualities:
Truth - Diamond with spiral inside: color-- golden orange
Trust - Upward Triangle with a downward triangle within it: color-- violet
Allowance - etc.
Supreme Quality: Unity
Thread #3
1st Movement in thread #3
256 Matrix Grid Combined Quality for the Divine Human Being - #3
Divine Power - Arrows/Orange - aim branching outward - supports connection of Love
Human Mind - Dot/Red Violet - Intentional focus - dreams the intention of Love
Group your symbols together
1st by placing your Individual quality inside the center
2nd the Human quality
3rd the Divine quality.
Make sure that you use your colors to represent each of the co-creative movements.
What does this co-creation mean to you?
Use this as contemplation "A"
Contemplation '6'
1st place the Divine quality in the center
2nd the Human quality
3rd your Individual quality.
What does this say to you?
Write one paragraph per each contemplation for each thread movement.
Suzy contemplation for February 6, 2008
Contemplation A
Divine Power
Human Mind
Individual Trust
Divine power in the center of my being.
It inspires me and gives me courage to follow my path.
Divine power in the center of my being inspires my Human Mind in courage for I know that my source is connected to the Divinity of the Universe. From this place of inspiration and humility, allowance for the various perceptions of myself and others is available to me. I trust in who I am, for my human mind is focused upon the divine power of all that is, here everything is one and all is well.
Contemplation 'B'
Individual Trust
Human Mind
Divine Power
Now repeat the contemplation with the center being 'individual trust', next human mind and now divine power, see where it flows as the breath in and the breath out.
What are your personal realizations today?
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024