Death Dance Ceremony

Dear Community,
I hope that this note finds each of you in happiness and Well Being. Thank you for remembering to allow self integration after ceremony. It is always helpful to be aware of our fragile state of blossoming. Well done.
I anticipate our calls to resume to the first and third weeks of the month. This means calls to begin on Sunday.
I will try to get my calendar up this week.
Also, if you have not received the Seraphis Bey document please let me know.

A couple of things:

First, thank you, each of you for participating so beautifully in the Death Dance Ceremony.
It was such a beautiful experience for me to participate in this ceremony in such peace and ease as we moved in such generosity of spirit with all of our relations, meaning of course the All of Mother Earth and Great Spirit.

It was truly a mark of how far we as a community have come and our decisions in conscious choice and full participation in freedom that we were able to stand in equanimity with Being in Presence. It is in this place of presence that life plays in gentle ease. So congratulations to each and may the gifts of peace which you are blessed with continue to feed your Soul and Guide your Ego.

I arrived home safely on an easy trip having experienced important conversations.
WE have for the most part become accustomed to remembering that after ceremony a shift will occur.

The shifts which occurred with me were 3

  1. we, meaning all who are able to be present in Metta, participated in a marathon peace effort while closing down the Wheel.

  2. Yesterday _________ and I were asked by counsel to check out the Wailing Ceremony site. We took a drive up to Hope Valley and had only a short period of time to work with the spiral before the roads were being closed for 2 hour increments.

_________ stayed by the truck and I took a run into the woods. By the way, to the west, the aspen and willow were dressed delightfully in their fall colors of yellows, reds, oranges and magenta all amongst the sturdy pine, brown dirt, golden fields and granite majesty.

I flew into the woods allowing the unseen trail guide my feet through small entry ways, pathways of silken aspen bark, green and white. Tender golden leaves were the blanket in which my feet landed. I made it to the base of the long valley and remembered tenderly the dressing of the women and the circling smoke of the men.

I noticed that large trees had fallen and the branches were broken in a solid line creating a boundary that ran parallel to the highway not far west.

The day was sweet and temperate though the morning clouds had billowed as if to rain and thunder. I asked that the day be easy as it was the last day in which we could greet the spiral and honor the closing of time as we know it. And it was so, as we drove closer to the mountains the sky opened and the sun shine forth. I am also sure that the morning conversation with _________ also helped A GREAT DEAL, for none of these things is for our own keeping or asking, but are evidence of Being in Community.

Hawk greeted me and called me forth to the ceremony site.
So it was that the trees lay down from north to south, creating boundary. I walked toward the East remembering the dips in the cold spring which held the blessed cleansing of hearts worry and reclaiming a kind of surety that only the Soul knows.

I gazed down the long valley to the south and laughed with golden grasses, the innocence of faithful women surrendering to the unknowing of and yet ancient knowing. I gazed again to the East, all the prayer feathers gone to Great Spirit, answered and held sacred in the Great Mystery and I weep in gratitude for an uncommon way which is so weird, so connecting, so honesty and so true. I wonder how I can be here in the sanctuary of mother's womb holding a space with only the beating of my heart in rhythm with the heart of all that is.

I walk to the north toward the creek where red willow have lost their leaves and line the pathway of health and well being for the valley in which she is honored to embrace and be embraced by.

I look down, and there amongst the fallen tree, the golden grass is the outer boundary of a large circle, our circle. Untouched only dirt. I remember Lori telling me that she had gone back up to remove the rocks so that it would go unseen.

I see that the removal of the rocks did not make a difference for the circle held these several years. The dirt soft and tender, like the arms which held the masculine as they wept, if not outwardly, inwardly. I saw each who held the head and feet of our beloved and I gave thanks for the tenderness of the feminine and the courage of the masculine, each to surrender to that which is the spirit of mystery.

I was without offering for there was nothing else to give. I was without an outer container to hold mother as she asks that these memories be taken back with me. And so it is, that as I danced the Dance of Creation in New Form, I place the dirt onto my tongue, receiving in gratitude and cherishment the fragrant matter of that which I AM, Humus, dirt, eons of living and dying in Presence. Sharing and giving in point, in stillness of all hope that lives within my wholeness.

As I closed, bringing the great I Am into the center from above and below, two airplanes crossed over head moving in opposite directions as if to say 'the knot is tied, all is well, job well done.'

I walked along the creek making sure that the boundary is complete and up and again over to the highway.

The drive home was beautiful and Jia and I shared a nice lunch in Lake Tahoe.

  1. When I returned home, I went into deep meditation and each of you who reads this, received the gift of touch healing from the inner most core of your heart.

So BE IT, heal with your touch that our new world may know our intention, commitment and action.

Inloves peace while in the hands of Grace,
Willow JiMi

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024