Awareness 15 – Divine Human Being Inlove

DivineHuman Being InLove

DivineHuman Being InLove is the 7th element that co-creates the evolution of the next thing. What co-creates is our ability to be DivineHumanBeing InLove, integrating all human and all divine aspects. But, there is something called "Option of Choices". We always have the option of choice. There are a zillion ways things can go; even buying coffee in the market, there are 40 choices-because we're looking for what we need. But it gets messed up. Why? All the other elements in evolution on the planet now, besides DivineHumanBeing InLove, are NOT about choices as individual beings; they ARE about choices as a whole unit or blend, in natural order. But we the DivineHumanBeing InLove are also an element-which has to change, to blend, in order to be co-creative, because we too are made of all the elements. Something keeps us from co-creation in natural order, which is our idea of separation. This is the concept of "option of choice".

For example, we might say that parents have the option to care for their children. But because as DivineHumanBeing InLove we've already surrendered the heart of our Love, anything we've created we are fully responsible for. We can't co-create without a sense of Love. Everyone has a core apple of themselves, made from Love, but they have the option to create outside of the vision of Love, and when they co-create with others out side of the connection of Love with each other, it gets messed up.

The DivineHumanBeing InLove is not a choice; it is a being, an element, an embodiment of Self. Say you're looking for a relationship, and you're looking at 4 people, to see who you prefer, to see who you will pick--that is "option of choice". And that is what disintegrates relationship-because if you're a person on that line of 4, it's just like being one of the choices in the market. DivineHumanBeing InLove says: I am a being that is Divine and Human. I am the Source of myself. The Gravity of Life (#45 Galactic Light), that emanates within me in natural order of I AM Presence, will naturally bring to me that relationship which is equal in every way, every aspect, every sense--because my wholeness is in natural order with myself and in blending of the elements, with the Universe. Because of our freedom to fully Being InLove, intact and whole, naturally we gravitate to that which resonates and gravitates back and forth. The things that make me happy, compassionate and joyful-those are the companions of Love.

Then we take ourselves off the market, because the only option is to be fully aware and conscious of being and allowing the nature of the Universe to walk with us and play with us.

We think our life is only of the Mind, but this absurd. We do choose, before we incarnate, our life ahead, our family, our parents, our challenges, our walk---but once these choices are made, before we incarnate, that's where the options end. When we come into 2nd trinity, into matter, there is no more option. For example, there is no option whether to love our family or not, to love our children or not. We have to move into that 2nd trinity; move into compassion without option, it is just who we are. And then in 3rd trinity, we live for this, we live for love. It's notabout worthiness, its simply about gravity, about like being attracted to like. We are already together; we already belong to each other.

The challenge of western culture is the belief in not belonging. This is completely foreign to native culture, where you always know you belong, and that everyone belongs. We will never 'get' that we are part of something from our Mind, we only get it when we go into the Body of Matter-it's there that we learn we are part of something. In the Body of Matter, we learn about cooperation, and how to work in common intent, from seeing how the elements do it. The elements already know everything about cooperation.

How do we know our role in community, how do we know that we belong? It's just about what you can contribute, what you're good at. Like making a meal and bringing your favorite dish. It's just bringing a dish to the table. The dish doesn't define who you are or make you worthy. There is nothing that can negate the truth that you belong. You are not the dish, it's just something you know how to make easily or well. Someone else is good at something else. She says every person who joins community is asking this question. There is a difference between owning and belonging. Its natural to not understand how we belong, because if we look at belonging from the point of view of the concept of what's precious, its always based on "worthy"
But-you can't be purchased. You re here because you belong and we are like in name, in our way, in belief, in breath and thought---we belong together because of the way we're inlove. The gravity of who you are in the way that you love has already marked you as belonging.

It's thegift of native people that we know we all belong. Even when things are difficult, we don't ever look at it like you don't belong, I look at it as my own incapacity to understand how to get along.

The elements to show us how to get along, the elements teach me everything about the qualities of life-dignity, cherishment, adoration---and the cycles. Our world was created by Love itself; that's the bottom line. Every single thing teaches us how to get along-Being Inlove and Cooperation. The scotch tape shows me-its sticky on one side and not on the other, its transparent-it teaches me.
Our job is to co-create ascension InHarmony.
Evolution is a life and death cycle. But if we maintain and sustain energy as harmonic, and we emanate this to all life, how long would our world last without suffering or destruction? That has been the question of evolution. That is our question. I ask if this is like the phrase, "The lion lies down with the lamb" where the violence we consider "natural" is no longer part of the cycle of life, and she says yes. "Its not the highest intention or design of love to destroy the relationship with another."
Human Beings are the next element and we're here to evolve cooperation that is before us, and to maintain and sustain that cooperation. That's why it's better to look at an unfolding flower than at something violent. Is it possible to have evolution without destruction? The lion lies down with the lamb.
When we're in harmony with nature, we will know it; I know it because I came this close to a rattlesnake. And when an eagle came, a snake wrapped itself around my ankle, because it found its safety with me.

It's all about humanity right now. We have to remember we are living in another world.

The Presence Strand

Idea: The Presence Strand and how we are integrating this through 8 intervals.

The Presence Strand is a constant that creates the Universe. Presence is that energy strand eternally, 24/7, the energy that creates enlightenment. It's a wave. The Presence Strand has an energy that comes with it, an energy that can be intense.

in the same place. The soul body is on board. The ego body says, sure let's ride the roller coaster. But we don't understand the core issue of Sharing-and Sharing is how we move through Cherishment.

There's a way of overlooking Cherishment. This can look like a flat line that's moving and bumps up and over something-we overlook cherishment. Our consciousness skips over it. There's a whole section of appreciation that becomes a block, meaning an inability to flow. work through the 8 intervals of cherishment, so you can see exactly where you are. Remember that Cherishment is a new concept.

Practice: Be quiet, take a breath, and call in the Presence Strand. It will show up instantaneously. You'll notice it in one of your chakras (1-7, not higher chakras) as spinning heat.
Then look at your body, notice where the depleted area is.

Take 1-20 minutes to sit with it, and then record what happens after that. During this time,

  1. Breathe in and say, "I breath in the breath of Love" place your hand where the energy is (one of the chakras)
  2. Breathe out and say, "I breathe out the breath of Presence" with your other hand on depleted area.
    Do a few breaths, find how your energy stabilizes-for 5-20 min or so,
    Then rest for the same amount of time, and allow that energy to balance your physical system.

Only do this once a day. Start I/day for 3-4 davs. Record vour experience in all your bodies for a few days after, to know how much medicine you need.

After we complete 8 intervals you'll be able to mainstream Presence all the time.

  • The DivineHumanBeinginlove is the 7th element, which co-creates the evolution of the next thing.
  • We DHBinlove are about cooperation and how to work in common intent from seeing how the elements do it. The elements teach us about Being Inlove and Cooperation.
  • We will never 'get" that we are part of something from our Mind, we only get that when we go into the Body of Matter. As a Divine Human Being we are co-creative with the rest of the elements, we blend in order to be co-creative.
  • However, Option of Choice says we have an option to choose with the Mind.
  • The Awareness work is all about recognizing this Option of Choice, letting it go, and allowing DivineHumanBeinginlove to fill us.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024