About the Interval Work

  • The assignment is a process where you can meet yourself. Over lifetimes of soul adventure, you have created walls. There is a tickler inside of your will that helps you to know when you come up against a wall. It says 'no', or something else like that. In this process you will learn to cherish yourself.

  • Cherishment is the vehicle from which Love is born. Cherishment is the thing that turns Love into Loving. And Loving is what connects us in generosity to all life, all bodies, where I am the breath of the wind, the wave of the Universe, where we're all one wave together. We're all just a wave of life. When we cherish each other we live between Love and Loving. When I cherish you I experience you as loving.

  • When we can sit and allow the fullness of Presence as Cherishment, we will all ascend.

  • There is a race of us being born now. We have a pathway of communication, that is our job-we are communication. We're teachers of how to evolve ourselves in conscious awareness, as all the qualities of peaceful ease, to be DivineHuman Being in a world that's MADE for the DivineHuman Being. There are many parts of us. There are a lot of parts to making a world. We must be extremely fluent in our language. The language comes from our heart, our mind, our hara, and our Daat. These 4 entryways have to be in unison. It's our job to create a pathway for this to occur.

  • Mind's contribution is to hold the Reason of Love. It's extremely important for the Mind to remember the Reason of Love. The Mind has to allow the other bodies to inform it of a memory. There has to be a place where the loss of memory can be returned, it has to come through the Physical, Emotional, Soul and Spirit bodies of Trust.

  • We can regain all of our memories in Cherishment. All things are cured in Cherishment. As each of us walks the path of Cherishment we gain the health of Being.

  • What we are learning about now is the human limitation of cherishment, so we know what it is, so we can build the bridge over and through. We have the tools, like the backhoe and crane to build the bridge. And we have the memory.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024