About Being a Teacher

Willow wrote
Blessings to you.
I know that this is a difficult space for a teacher.
Heck, it's really really really hard to draw lines in time,
Help create pathways of clarity, only to find that the student does not want a "continuing path to clarity"
But maybe has only come to get "clear on where they are in the evolutionary process of their Soul".

For the student there is a gift given by the teacher, information and a option of choice. And this is beautiful for you as a teacher have learn step one... you are a servant of the universe in love. And you're is to love unconditionally the place of the student.

The heart ache comes more deeply for the Teacher as teacher works with the Potential of the student.
And in great humility does always surrender to the Freewill of the student to Be where they are in their process.
For we Remember, each individual can only be in the center of their universe.
And as a teacher we hope to guide around the road blocks, creating easier pathways and roadways.
And yet we know that providing access also requires a choice by the student.
And in choosing the path of a teacher
Also means that the teacher will be blamed on many occasions for the plight of the student.
This can be exhausting and annoying and frustrating and whatever.

However, we as teachers must always come to the table asking love to guide us, hold us, embrace us, that we may be filled in loves promise in presence. It is by this way alone that I, your Teacher;
Have rallied through discretion and indiscretion of the student processes Always causing me to further examine and question my own integrity of Reason.

So be well beloved and cleanse your bodies, remembering that "love flows freely, always in willingness to be joyful compassion"

Honestly Being INLove's Service

We must call her in to our contemplative space if we desire her presence with us there.


  • Ideas are only concepts, not definitions
  • We don't have to define the ideas of our conversations in order to report here
  • Just giving a word or concept that was discussed and dating it is enough when we are beginning to record the ideas of the conversations we are having with JiMi.


a structure for building trust in relationships that has helped to understand issues that are part of process of development as a #2 moving into #9 then #11. These are related to Proper Conduct.

Trust cannot grow when there is fear of the other or a need to call in humiliation when mistakes are made.

There are three levels of relationship.

  1. Relationship with Self and our own Steadiness. We are wobbly until we are settled in our Aspects. Need to be forgiving of self. Abandonment and Betrayal come up when we are not in center. Also issues of entitlement come in here and in 2 below. Curiosity or need to know takes us out of Humility and we jump to entitlement. We leap over Humility of Cherishment, we gloss over preciousness. Unconsciousness occurs in this leap and we end up with humiliation instead of Humility. We end up with shame. Yet, looking back, we don't even see the process or the lack, because we leaped in entitlement instead of Cherishing. We may think we are innocent of anything, because we can't see when we look back that we made a mistake or skipped a step. As a 2 in Proper Conduct, all the steps are essential.
  2. One-on-one Relationship. When a decision is made with a group or something is going to be shared with a group, make sure the one-on-one communication is clear before we share with group. Must have forethought. Don't let curiosity or need to know get in the way of discretion.
  3. When we are clear with ourselves, and clear with our relationship with another, only then are we able to participate in relationship in a group in Cherishment of Humility. We can let go of the arrogance, jealousy and envy that come from sense of entitlement. We can recognize our unity on a common path. We can be truly be Present in Proper Conduct. We can share freely, not needing to hold something to ourselves. to make ourselves more than another.



  • experiencing a lot of energy in motion when I go to my Sacred Spaceand meditate. This motion I sense is Enlightenment. Must let go of everything to Love. C
  • gather frames and going through the wormhole of the Akashic Record and taking what I need from the record.
  • Not bound or attached to any person, place or thing. Only attachment we have is to the water we float on. Attachment takes away Happiness and our ability to share honestly.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024