Birth of Qualities

  • Stay in Center. Allow Trust in the Universe to know what I love and hold that for me to meet at given intervals
  • Qualities have never been brought into this world as language, as an Authentic Wisdom Experience. Before they came as Virtues and Principles.
  • The path we walk between is so delicate.
  • Qualities sit in center between the Monk (who lives in isolation and knows only Mind and no physical experience) and the Group (that knows only the physical experience and can't reach the heights of Mind). Qualities come in as a way to share so that everyone can reach the heights and the monk can experience life.


  • Today new time exists.
  • Setting the pace for the Community.
  • The 7 Tones in the Universe.
  • Oath to abandonment" that keeps us here on the earth plane connected, and keeps us from our core self.
  • It's name (He for masculine, She for feminine) is Steady Sturdy Innocence and is what all creation and life is formed from. It is the manifestation of all our dreams. It is the capacitor for Love.
  • Steady and Sturdy are like the form for Thread 2 and equal Love. Together they create sustainable care.
  • In the center is Innocence, which is intangible vulnerability and equals Being in Love.
  • Walking in either one without the other creates death. When they come together and know self, there is integration.
  • Steady and Sturdy are on the other side of pain and suffering. Walk through doubt into integration of Steady Sturdy with Innocence. Then we can meet in intimacy, without worry, and all is in sync.
  • We - finding what it means to be Being In Love. We are learning to live together. Walking in the wilderness of Mother Earth.
  • Our job is to walk in the wilderness of Humanity.
  • Someone has to hold center while humanity walks through the wilderness.


  • When someone else is an option of choice, it is called ownership. Don't sell self as option of choice or ask another to sell themselves. Who am I in the new world? am the love of the new world. I cannot see self as a commodity.
  • We can provide a path-the geometric forms-so others don't have to be an option of choice.
  • Thinking that Freedom in our human relationships means option of choice is NOT Natural Order.


  • JiMi says, "WE" have created a Strand of Presence that holds NBH as WE move through the 8 Intervals. NBH cannot be brought through the Intervals until WE have made it through at least the first 5.
  • WE are the galactic lineup of our Councils for this world and is how we affect the Universe. WE consist of Metatron and all our Guides and Councils as Community. Our Council and Guides are not separate from JiMi.


  • Garden of Eden story of Adam and Eve shows how religion has tried to control the story and control Thought.
  • Everything that is created is created through thought. This story tells us how we feel about the masculine, the feminine and the structural foundation of life.
  • Option of Choice began with the idea that humans had to make a choice between loving God OR having children, loving children.
  • Question is, "What happens to the Reason of Love when it moves into the second trinity of physical form?"

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024