Fragrance: The Emotions of Earth


  • Fragrance is the emotions of the Earth. The Earth emotes through fragrance.
  • writings regarding the masculine andfeminine today:
    Giving a woman what she wants.
    Giving a man what he needs.

A woman will find a way to meet her need. When she asks for something, it is because she cannot obtain it on her own. Thus it becomes sacred. She must ask for help. (She will build from the inner existence soul matter.)

A man will meet his wants. (He will create from the matter of outer existence, spirit matter.)

Feminine creates Comfort.
Masculine creates Durability.

The masculine seeks a feminine of sustainability.
The feminine seeks a masculine of maintainability.

She must sustain emotional integrity, "feel" as valid the changes of time and space in relationship.
He must maintain the structural integrity of the relationship.

So, as the feminine: as new ideas are brought in, "How I integrate them into useable energy is my task"
As the masculine, I must bring in items that are easily useable, ie: not requiring so much change, so that it doesn't take so long to create, ie: it must feed.
Like saffron or jicama: Saffron is exotic, easily it brings in the easy beauty to the senses. (Jicama takes longer to prepare, harder to cut up, etc. )

Because the masculine must maintain durability, he constantly looks at the "fix", or repair, or the extreme resistances.
Because the feminine looks at sustainability, she looks at the temperate moderations.

The Aspects give the Unity a place to test and find equilibrium in the balance, Steady Sturdy Innocence, maintainability, and sustainability of imbue.

So, for me {feminine} the question has been, "Can I sustain the emotional experience in balance with my mental and physical experience through the unity of the durability of the masculine physical, mental and emotional experience? Can we connect in generosity a shared experience of equilibrium and equanimity?"

  • One way to speak to what is coming up in regard the First Interval questions regarding Ideas and how to give credit and speak to them and how to recognize whose ideas versus shared ones is this: "invoked within each of us a memory of
  • Individual thoughts, ideas, experiences share a common character and evolve together. This is shared dreaming. Cooperation and integrity of Friendship lives here.
  • Very specific ideas of an individual should not be shared with others because they are not mine. I can use the idea and ponder, and come up with my own ideas. I need to ask to share the idea if I take it further.
  • The Western world comes from slavery and so, institutes slavery. NO loyalty to freedom. Aboriginal people are required to be free. If you are not free in experiential nature of your life, you are a slave.
  • Western people and this time are of mechanics, create mechanics. Aboriginal people have no way to survive on the planet during time of mechanics. They must tell their stories to enhearten the Western people who are creating structures for new mechanics of the world. Aboriginals hold ENHEARTENED LIFE. Western holds exploration of Mind in physical form.
  • ENHEARTENED LIFE is the emotional body of physical form.

March 14. 2013

  • The Western world comes from slavery and so, institutes slavery. NO loyalty to freedom. Aboriginal people are required to be free. If you are not free in experiential nature of your life, you are a slave.
  • Western people and this time are of mechanics, create mechanics. Aboriginal people have no way to survive on the planet during time of mechanics. They must tell their stories to enhearten the Western people who are creating structures for new mechanics of the world. Aboriginals hold ENHEARTENED LIFE. Western holds exploration of Mind in physical form.
  • ENHEARTENED LIFE is the emotional body of physical form.

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