LSD - Space/Time Void

Dear Community, Welcome to Space/Time Void. This is where we learn about what matters.

Theme: Gratitude is the fragrance of Life Concept: Time and Space are tools which allow for the experience of Living

This week please consider the following three questions:

Part 1- Dedicated to the Ego: How do I begin my day in gratitude, and before my feet hit the ground I take off running, before settling into a practice. What is not spoken to or revealed?

Part 2- Dedicated to the Soul: How do I begin my day in gratitude and before my feet hit the ground I take off running before settling into a practice. What is not spoken to or revealed?

Part 3- Dedicated to Ego/Soul Unity: What does an ideal day of Ego/Soul Unity look like in Time and Space? How does Time and Space reveal what matters? How does it help the Void (the substance of the womb) manifest in our lives what matters to us?

Please answer and post in your Gallery under Community Formation by Friday so that we can glimpse each other's' experience. And please remember to read each other's postings.

Remember that this letter and these exercises are tools for the entire month. Contemplative tools such as these help us to look at where we are in paying attention to our lives and our relationships with others. This attention helps us to Be Effective Kindness in our world.

Have a blessed month.
In Love and Laughter

Gratitude is the fragrance of Life

Concept: Time and Space are tools which allowifor the experience of Living Please read the complete Letter of Spiritual Direction (pdf form found in the Download Section of the VAV Forum. "

This week please consider the following three questions:

Part 1- Dedicated to the Ego: How do I begin my day in gratitude, and before my feet hit the ground I take off running, before settling into a practice. What is not spoken to or revealed?

Part 2- Dedicated to the Soul: How do I begin my day in gratitude and before my feet hit the ground I take off running before settling into a practice. What is not spoken to or revealed?

Part 3- Dedicated to Ego/Soul Unity: What does an ideal day of Ego/Soul Unity look like in Time and Space? How does Time and Space reveal what matters? How does it help the Void (the substance of the womb) manifest in our lives what matters to us?

Please answer and post in your Gallery under Community Formation by Friday so that we can glimpse each other's' experience. And please remember to read each other's postings.

Remember that this letter and these exercises are tools for the entire month. Contemplative tools such as these help us to look at where we are in paying attention to our lives and our relationships with others. This attention helps us to Be Effective Kindness in our world.

Have a blessed month. In Love and Laughter, Jane and Jimi

Excerpt from continuing community protocol
Important Note

To help us share in a way that serves the highest potential for the Community, we will continue the following protocol for our monthly gatherings: The Letter of Spiritual Direction and the assigned contemplations will be posted at least a week ahead of our meeting date.

All NBH and VAV community members must post their responses in the Community Formation section before the meeting in order to have a voice on the call. If you have not posted before the meeting, we ask that you please remain in silence after the initial check in. We ask this of each other out of respect for our conscious evolution. Out of a sense of entitlement, we may feel a right to a voice in a process when in fact we have not prepared for the conversation. Further more, it is not appropriate to join in a sacred conversation in our unconsciousness and ask the group to offer its energy to hold us when we have not offered our own energy to prepare.

In Loving connection, we look forward to a timely Prayers and Dance that crosses our great distances. That the generosity of our common and intentional connection does broaden our heart capacity in mindful consideration and acceptance of us as we, ONE BODY.

Cycle of Life Prayers

Dance of Creation
Read the Letter of Spiritual Direction groups

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024