6th Thread - 6th Awareness

Trans work assignment

6th Thread -- 6th Awareness Journey with Siddhartha

Take Thread 6

Take through Siddhartha

Take through Halls of Healing

  • What needs to be healed?

  • What has been healed?

  • What needs to be healed for greater goal?

Take personal experience through thread and quality (Compassion)

Fifth world/Fifth awareness in Glossary

Fifth thread and prayer book

Make five questions from summaries of readings

Post to Jimi

Take 6th thread - I am colors of the wind.....

  • How does matter see itself?

  • Concrete, physical experience: ie. What gives a tree faith to grow?

  • What moves the sap of a tree?

Transformation: EB Transformation occurs in the First Trinity of Divine Mind and Human Mind where thought patterns are torn down and burned. Source.

The energy of light that burns and transforms ideas, thoughts, and belief systems. In the ashes of transformation, we re-pattern our mind and what matters most to us. New thoughts become new patterns. Metaphor: the fire. Think of the Inner Light and Inner Chaos Awareness as the source of this transformation.

Intimacy as Empathetic Compassion dreams transformation as an intention for Happiness. Intimacy is the key ingredient for happiness. There must be a Desire of both Great Spirit and Great Mystery to become united in the common dance and song of Passionate Gratitude. Within our community we experience this intense love as care and connection through a light and playful heart. This state of Being each as individual, supports the Magic in transformation from 4th world to 5th world. Transformation is the fire which burns away old blocks of internalized habits. Habits born of resistances built upon truths formed in scarcity. Transformation allows for the New Formed Sacred to be explored, seen, and experienced in this physical world. Communion (common passionate dreams in gratitude) opens the gateways of access to deeper self, always and in all ways continually exploring the depths of Love through the qualities of Humility, Honor, Cherishment and Adoration. (Matter of Void LSD May 2009) EB

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