5th Thread 5 Trans

5th Thread 5 Trans by JiMi TAO

Wednesday, July 10, 2013 11:.'l:l AM

Haiku (1-9)(3) Ancestral Healing Book

May Father Spirit Continually flow through our bodies as
we seek the deeper meaning of our humanity.
Inlove's Connection InGenerosity
Spirit of Love fills Life Joyfully.

Health and Well-being
Inlove's Connection InGenerosity
The Spirit that knows home gives peace.

  • You are the 'what if' of my heart.

  • 'What if' s/he were to show up in my life?

  • 'What if' s/he were to shed light on reason to live?

  • 'What if' s/he a were to awaken in good humor ......
    And laugh with the inner abandoned?

  • 'What if' s/he were the love that I returned for?

  • 'What if' s/he were Joy?

  • In love Percussion, The Song and Dance of Creation
    The Divine Human Being In love
    The 5th Element

5th Thread TransQualitySoul PortraitAspectCharacterSpirit BodySoul Body
1 of 5 TranscendenceDivine Body Human Matter5 Halls of Healing WorkDivinePerseveranceSpirits of PersonalityAB - Consciousness

Spirits of Personality you give me my uniqueness.
My personality which is wild and gentle, strong, withstanding and determined.
Spirits of Personality who enters easily into me, Soul Body of Consciousness, AB, I am.
Consciousness giving light to the subtle bodies of my existence as color, light, form and sound.

You sing me into Being and in these Halls of Healing
You give me harmonic resonance,
You give meaning To forms
disintegrated and seemingly lost to
Cultural structures which have until this moment,
Meant this same,
Disintegrated and lost.

And so it is by pure character of Perseverance
That I transcend duality of separation
And I Become Transparent Self
Beyond the measures of knowing.

Understanding only the bodies of healing
which warm, nurture and cook me into Being.
These waves of tender Acceptance of Visions of Counsels,
Guides and Guardians.

Healing Communions once broken
By arrogance of self and other.
Healing particular ways of stubbornness that held
Bound by strong judgmental thoughts of
'how it ought to BE'.

Transcendence relieving me of my own harshness
That too often got me into trouble
By surefooted knowing of
Right and wrong,
Good and bad,
My expertise in the
Dualistic Nature of Opinion Mine.

So it is today
Transcendence through Perseverance
Has led me to the Door step of my greatest work,
My Divine Work:
To Simply Be a Breath of Peace.

And in my cycle of life
May each find health and happiness in
Every Eternal Aspect of Living and Dying.

For often I have died to my home,
Seeking continually the perfection of Sanctuary.
The place where love's life peacefully surrenders in

Often I have come close,
And often there is something that disturbs my silent reflections.
And then I learned through Humility,
I learned of Surrender

5th Thread TransQualitySoul PortraitAspectCharacterSpirit BodySoul Body
2 of 5 TransmutationHumility14 SurrenderHuman FriendsWonderSpirits of PersonalityAB - Consciousness

Gently my spirit began to know home
And in consciousness of incarnation,
I became resonance and comprehension of 'I'
Divine Human Being Inlove.

I knew that I had been birthed by
the Counsels and Guardians of Love and my
Is called Love itself.

I am peaceful easy love
Born from an Eternity of Compassions Beings
Of Like - Like
Same - Same Nature.

I knew myself to Be the Breath of Life
The Hope of Being Inlove.

And I watched my hand move across Lands
And Kiss the EARTH
Sweet Mother's Face......

And I learned the Honor of Humanity.
Inlove with various parts of He/r.

I learned to walk with legs
And allow gentle creek waters
To teach OM
Of gentle surrenders of fingers touch.

I learned to build altars
And share space and time in gratitude with others.

I learned about Human Friendships.
And it was in these precious friendships
That caused me to want to stay
And live and grow in to a
Fuller Being Inlove.

For these friendships gave meaning
To my Divine Work.
For I saw what came too easily
Inlove's consciousness to me
Was an enigma to Humanity.

And in the incarnation
I saw the Perseverance of Human
To Become Humanity.

I saw Humanity in Joy
I saw Humanity in Empathetic Compassion
I witnessed Humanity Inlove
And I wept in Equanimity of Heaven and Earth.

And in that moment I Became a
Universal Humanitarian Ceremonialist.
I Became by both nature of design and choice,
A Universal Servant to Humanity.
Like the Teachers, Counsel, Guides, Guardians,
Heaven and Earth Angels and Archangels
Who came before me
I became.
And I fell inlove with Humanity as Desiderata
Flowed through me once again.

As I laid down in Surrender and gladly allowed
The surrender of self and other in every body
In every way
To Wonder me in Awe..
Allowing the harshnesses of my personality
To give way to Humility.
For there was no seeking left in me.

My Mind of Reason gave way to Being
And I knew that which I Am
A Divine Human Being Inlove.

And colors flowed and veils lifted
Until transparency became my garment.
And ego held watch over me with
Deep and Tender Adoration
As I Soul merged into Incarnated Form.
Naked but save Love's garment.

And I knew myself to
Be Home in Humanity.
Humanity, the humus of all Creation.
And We Being Born
5th Element of Creation.

5th Thread TransQualitySoul PortraitAspectCharacterSpirit BodySoul Body
3 of 5 TransformationGrateful23 Gates of HeavenDivine WorkForgivenessSpirits of PersonalityAB - Consciousness

And the Gates of Heaven
Opened wide as languages
United openings of greater cause.
Excitement and Joy's choir
Rang through the Universes
And blending of many sorts
Came into Being.

Heaven and Earth Co-creating
A unified form in color, form in light, form in sound.
Moments percussion of Moments universal choir.
Happiness fills the great and mysterious void.

And the unified Spirits of Personality
Find Forgiveness of, to, for, from
Worlds, Words and Attitudes
Of hell and damnation.

And embrace Joy in holding hands
In higher knowing and understanding of
Variations and points of view.
Forgiveness... cry tears of Authenticity
Of Mending and Blending
And Bridge Making.

Of time and Space
Of Boundary and Limitation
Of Eternity and Infinity
Of Structures and Formlessness.

5th Thread TransQualitySoul PortraitAspectCharacterSpirit BodySoul Body
4 of 5 TransfigurationHumbled32 BrillianceHuman FriendsWisdomSpirits of PersonalityAB - Consciousness

And value of Home honored
Within the Sanctuary of Each Being.
In this Wisdom
Human Friendships are the key to
Healing Universal discrepancies.

For Human Friendships require the
Incarnation of Compassionate Likeness
In Sensory Perception.

This sensory perception guides the Consciousness in
Safety, Care and Comfort
And when these Qualities are Available
They do give generously
Directions in the Natural Order
Of Sharing.

Within this Sharing
The Universe Awakens to the Brilliance of Love's
Knowing beyond Knowing.
The Revelation of the Greater Plan
Of Heaven and Earth
And the greater plan beyond
Even that.

Revealing the
Eternal, Limitless Authenticity
The Halo of the Awakened Heart.

5th Thread TransQualitySoul PortraitAspectCharacterSpirit BodySoul Body
5 of 5 TransubstantiationAwe in Communion41 Life Particle IncrementsDivine WorkAnalyticalSpirits of PersonalityAB - Consciousness

And Becoming Point of Stillness
Where Life Simply IS
InLove's Connection InGenerosity

From Love
Simply Being

Kindly Being
Comfort where Rest is Called Upon


The Bed of Matter
The Body of Creation
The Garden of Love
The Essential Essence of Life
To Be Love

The Home of Creation
Of Vigor, Diligence and Effort

I Am Presence
5th Element
Divine Human Being InLove
I Feel the Breath of Life flow freely
Through my spinal cord
Bringing life force to my limbs
And each cell of my body
I Experience the Emotion of Breath

6th Thread 5th Trans by JiMi Tao

Haiku (1-6)(7) Ancestral Healing Book

May each of us share with each other the wisdom of
openhearted tenderness, born of humility InJoy.

Inloves Connection InGenerosity,
Breath is a choice,
As is laughter and kindness
From an openheart.

Inloves Connection InGenerosity
Relationships are formed from
The core essence of what has always been.

A Day without you is a long day

As I lay dormant
Closed and hidden
Beneath the veils
Of my own doubt and fear.

Then you come to me
Hearing my call
And I am surprised
For I did not know you existed.

Yet something buried deep inside
Urged me to
Call 'Home' to you
Through shadows fallen.

It is here that we meet, Us...
Equitable Being

And 'IS'
Is Shared
Within the Light and Dark
Wave of Inner/Outer
Mountain Cavern

TransQualitySoul PortraitAspectCharacterSpirit BodySoul Body
1 of 5 TranscendenceDivine Faith Human Knowing15 Wave of MatterHuman HomeCommunicationSpirits of FireKhaibet Unconscious Shadow

Transcendence from Unconscious Shadow

Through the
Fire of Spirit on Canyon cave walls.

This place of inbetween
This earth womb
Pregnancy and expectancy.

My soul does incarnate into human form
Entering into .......
Though dark night wanderings
In steady sturdy caverns
Of wonder.

This place where raw Authenticity
Of granite walls can hold

The delight of my Fiery Spirit.
I awaken you dear Ego
To this deeper level of Knowing.
Welcome Home.

Your Faith alone does know itself
To Be the vehicle to bring
You home.


For I am fluid transparency of
Whole Existence.
The wave of light upon
Bending drops of water.

Fluidity is my name.
And you Doubt,
Because from holding From without
I disappear.

And yet you can see me
And you must Be Me
To know me.

And so I come to you as,
Dew on morning flowers,
Mist on morning lakes,
Tears in joy and sorrow.

I come to you as loves conversation,
For I am you Faithful knowing.

TransQualitySoul PortraitAspectCharacterSpirit BodySoul Body
2 of 5 TransmutationUnity15 Divine Human Being InloveDivine Human VehicleCourageSpirits of FireKhaibet Unconscious Shadow


Long have I waited to unite with you
And as you come into me
My experience of you
Causes me to
Faith, weep, shutter
To Surrender

For you Soul
Breakdown all of my beliefs
Of separation.

You wonder me in Awe
And cause me to experience
That which I always knew
Deep down in my heart to be true..........

Love is All there IS

And it is new at this time
That these abandoned parts
Of me
Come Alive.

And yes it is so....
That Authenticity could fill
The void of square and circle.

For the Essence of Life has no nature,
Save the Nature of
Joy in Co-Operation.

So, I put away my restrictions
Of Beliefs out worn.
And I surrender to the Creativity
That compels comfort to
The Ego over wrought with
To Do.

TransQualitySoul PortraitAspectCharacterSpirit BodySoul Body
3 of 5 TransformationNoble24 New VisionHuman HomeCommittment (Loyalty and Dedication)Spirits of FireKhaibet Unconscious Shadow

And so it is through water form,,,,
I Remember

I sit beside the Ocean
The Home of Ancient
Tide and Tribe.

Watching the variations of all
Matter of life Transform.

Memories of my ceremonies
With high and noble mountain tops.

Smoke from black night fires offerings.....
Commitments to Wonder in Awe
Of Compassionate Co-operation of NEW NOW.

For I Am Awakened to the transparency
Of my own ONCE, half lived.
And I walk NOW new roadways,
Enjoying getting to know the this and that
Of all manner of Being.

And fragrance blossoms
My mind in gentle kindness
Of fruitful beauties in
Belly Laughter.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024