LSD - What is the 10th Meta?

What is the 10th Metta? Equanimity in Community Dreams

Letter of Spiritual Direction - VAV/NBH Monthly Meeting Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dear Community,
A warm welcome to one and all in this month of July, when summer blooms in Beautiful Splendor and we find ourselves among new forms of Happiness. This month we shall have a Business Meeting addressing Community Vision, focused on the dreams and business of our Community for the next six months. Please consider, describe, and answer in writing the following questions based around this haiku:

II-10 Equanimity, Serenity InLoves Connection InGenerosity
Celebrations in Happiness - Devotions Delight
9. Honesty InLoves Connection InGenerosity
a. Beautiful conversations in Happiness.

  1. How did this week's haiku (above) help US/You to get to a place from which we can talk about Community Business? Please be prepared to share this question as part of your meeting check -in.

  2. What are the Community Dreams for the next six months, what is your vision for our Community? What are the needs of Community? What are the Community Concerns based on the dreams and needs? Please take the time to condense your ideas into the key thoughts, keeping your answers to no more than three sentences per topic. (Note: We will not be working with Limitations.)

  3. What was the funniest thing that happened to you during the last six weeks?

Please post your answers in the Community Formation section of the VAV Gallery by the afternoon of this Friday, July 19th. Thank you in advance, for this will allow the facilitators adequate time to compile all the answers for Question 2 regarding Community Dream/Vision for the next six months. We will post late Friday evening for the following morning and meeting. Please print out a copy of this compilation for ease of our business meeting.

Our goal is to hold the meeting for one hour. We will have an on-going conversation for the next several months regarding all the points of the Community Dream, Needs, and Concerns.

May this be a joyful exercise in Happiness from within Honesty for the WE of US.

Excerpt from continuing community protocol
Important Note
To help us share in a way that serves the highest potential for the Community, we will continue the following protocol for our monthly gatherings: The Letter of Spiritual Direction and the assigned contemplations will be posted at least a week ahead of our meeting date. All NBH and VAV community members must post their responses in the Community Formation section before the meeting in order to have a voice on the call. If you have not posted before the meeting, we ask that you please remain in silence after the initial check in. We ask this of each other out of respect for our conscious evolution. Out of a sense of entitlement, we may feel a right to a voice in a process when in fact we have not prepared for the conversation. Furthermore, it is not appropriate to join in a sacred conversation in our unconsciousness and ask the group to offer its energy to hold us when we have not offered our own energy to prepare.

As we pray and dance together may we experience our unity. Please consider in your sharing allowance for time and space of presence of self and others.

Hi Friends,

***** WE will be working with the 4 Trinities and the Ancestral Lineage Healing Book, learning how to discipline and concentrate on a single thought and move into no thought through dissolution of the monkey of mind, physical and emotional discomforts and moving into emptiness.

Some simple instructions and guidelines.

  • 35 minutes
    Each series of breaths are 5 minutes in length.

  • You will need the following:
    Attitude of Surrender
    Attention and respect for silence
    Be prepared to skype 10 minutes before time
    A comfortable position, 'this is a sitting meditation' If at all possible, please sit.

I have posted the meditation in the Group Meditation Read Only Section. Write this Haiku down on a piece of paper and have it in front of you as you will need to read it between breaths.

A Journal to record your experience Mind Body, Physical Body, Emotional Body. Doors close at 2 minutes before starting time.

My thoughts on Meditation.

  1. Meditation differs from contemplation in that we move into the silence of no mind and no opinion.

  2. Meditation requires a physical stillness. No sound, no noise, no questions, no answers.

  3. Meditation is important as it provides emptiness. Emptiness is necessary for the clearing of the clutter. Clutter which occurs in all bodies.

  4. Meditation is important as it allows for the creation of strength in all of the bodies.

  5. Meditation is the Spirits way of accessing the inner self and shining light on the mystery within.

  6. We could think of meditation as a spirit vehicle and contemplation as a soul vehicle.

  7. Meditation can be done alone or with large groups.

  8. Meditation teaches inner connectivity through silence.

II. This Meditation Group is called "Of No-Opinion"
This Meditation class is multi-leveled, surprised? IS'

  1. Of No-Opinion is so important because we walk in a world where everyone has an opinion about everything. And voicing that opinion is a right of freedom. However, opinions outside of authentic voice are mimics of a cultural sound that may or may not be in balance. So it is that taking time in meditation daily, weekly, monthly, yearly..........whatever you can a beautiful way to open up to a higher divine understanding of all life and relation. And what a relief and gift to offer self and other a moment of sanctuary where there is safety, care and comfort from attitudes of judgment.

Here is what we will be working on and working through.

  • Begin by brining your hands together in a prayer position at the forhead, bow Namaste......the Light in me honors the light in you.

  • Sit straight, brining hands in prayer position to the heart.

  • Take time to allow for yourself to gently move into the inner sanctuary of self.

  • Bring your hands to a comfortable position resting on the knees.

Say aloud your haiku.

  1. The First Breath the of the Divine and Human Mind of Love. This breath moves through the Nose and out through the nose. As you concentrate on this first breath you will watch silently, the thoughts of this or that flow by.

    Approaching this initial breath you will want see your thoughts as passersby. Say you are walking along a beach and you notice someone, you simply bow your head and allow it to pass in NO Opinion. In this manner you will approach the thoughts that travel past.

    Your concentration in the inhale and exhale of the mind.
    What a wonderful place to be, an allowance for thoughts to pass by ......... nothing to fix, nothing to consider......... simply allowing for no thing to replace the zoo of the mind.

    As you take this first series of breaths you will notice where you breath begins in your nose and where your breath ends.

    **So it is that On this mental level we will be working with the 1st Trinity and learning how to discipline and concentrate on a single thought and move into no thought through dissolution of the monkey mind and movement into emptiness.

  2. Second Trinity is the Trinity of the Divine Body of Matter where we learn to love.
    Say aloud your haiku.
    On a physical level we will connect with the body through a breaths that travel In through the MOUTH and out through the Nose.
    This is a cooling breath and it is targeted to bring oxygen to the organs of the body through the inhale and to detoxify these organs through the exhale.
    As you practice you will notice that your physical body surrenders to the gentle quieting of the breath and stress in sitting is replaced with deep centeredness.
    Again we empty and naturally replace with the haiku.

  3. Third Trinity is of the Divine Wisdom and Human Emotions where we live for love.
    Say aloud your haiku.
    On the Emotional level we will connect the with Wisdom through a series of breaths which travel in through the nose and out through the nose. These breaths are experienced in the emotional bodies of the cells, muscles, connectors and skin. As you breath your emotions become clear expressions of loves joy.

  4. Forth Trinity is the Universal Unification of the Trinities and we live from love.
    Say aloud your haiku.
    This breath is in through the nose and out through the mouth. This breath begins at the nose and travels to the base of your first chakra and returns up through the spine, through the base of the neck and opens in the hypothalamus behind the ears. It awakens the sleeping brain and allows for the new synapse of greater clarity in access.

Bring your hands to prayer position at forehead and bow.
Namaste.....the Light in me honors the light in you.

Take time to allow for yourself to gently come out of the inner sanctuary of self. You will want to journal your experience using your contemplative posture.

I have downloaded a singing meditation which can help you to further develop your breathing skills.
You can use it as a guide during the week.
Mediation class weekly.

My Personal Definition: Vehicle

Vehicle for the clarity, Insight and Vision in the light of Love

*As Physical Form, transportation of energy systems in both heaven and earth. Such as Air, the transport vehicle of water, fire or earth.

Breath Being the Transport for life Substance through the Physical Body.
Physical form being the transport for Creativity of formation or creation.

Mental body transport of ideas and thoughts.
MPESS mental/ physical/ emotional/ soul/ spirit
5-Trans is the Transport of the Ascending Body.

physical body is the transport of creativity through the expressions of the qualities.
emotional body is the transport of dreams through intentions.
soul bodies are the transport of expressions of eternity.
spirit bodies are the transport of energy systems of infinity.

Automobiles are the form matter of experience recalled, and are banked in the Akasiac Memory of the Collective Consciousness.
Automobiles are Earth Transport System (bikes, cars, trucks, jeeps, trains, planes, boats, ships, space craft).

The Vehicle Requires that we make a commitment of Loyalty to the Co-Creation of Work through Divine Partnership.

Divine Partnership + Divine Work + Divine Vehicle = Equanimity in Divine 4th Trinity

All Bodies live within each Eternal Aspect.
A Soul Portrait is an Akasiac Record Interval of the Incremental Memory of Cherishment.
The Beauty Way Prayer Books are the Comprehensive Meridian Energy Memory Storage Systems for the Ascending Body.
All Bodies live within each Eternal Aspect.
A Soul Portrait is an Akasiac Record Interval of the Incremental Memory of Cherishment.
The Beauty Way Prayer Books are the Comprehensive Meridian Energy Memory Storage Systems for the Ascending Body.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024