No Harm Rule of Life for Bodhisattva


Being of
No Harm
My Rule of

Appreciation and Generosity INLove's Connection lngenerosity
As I lay my head to rest this night
I find myself grateful to my family for the generous support in my eccentricity.

This new pathway of our rule of life and it's practice of no harm, at times easy in other times a challenge.

Yet it is with this very core Nature of living as a kind and living being that wants to both birth and live, thriving in this new world. And who else is called to decide the option of choice, then we who are given the gracious gifts of sight, vision and hearing of the cries of life? These cries which ask us to form and reform more equitable solutions in a dynamically changing world.

And in this practice of no harm, to be brave in seeing the slight and unseen. The voiceless of the gentle hearts and spirits who hold steady to a light innately known within yet without peaceful places and pathways from which to grow.

So I stand these days, in my smallness amongst the great, and I Be an immovable feast from which life can change. Even if this change be for a single moment in eternity. It is with resolute authenticity and absolute devotion to a belief in the poetry of the power of loves great eye. This eye being the light of eternal kindness from which the beautiful Splendor of worlds continue to thrive.

The reason flowers grow in the cracks of sidewalks and in mossy river beds, deserts and mountain sides and water beds and sheds. In our precious gardens. It is this innate spark of the eye of love in the eternal memory of love for which I will in grace for ever stand.

For my faith lives in the wisdom of love eternal, where heart and mind are unified in the divine body of matter. And I am grateful for my own certainty which has wandered questioning in the inner circle of doubt. And I do rise from doubt into the single line of the great love which calls forth the courage and strength to surrender to that which is loves harmony. Even when this clarity of authentic core seems bewildering and foreign of nature. For this kind of surrender requires humility, deep compassion in humility. Where humiliation lives not, and is nowhere to be found. For humility lives in the humus of humble and profound grace.

So it is as I lay my head to rest this night, I am grateful, appreciative for my family.
Family being of blood and spirit, of one Soul unity as spoken to in the 9th Thread.
For our lifetimes of sure relation cause us to hold hands in the joys of life, whatever they may be. Today it has been the joy of solidarity. Loyalty to our unity and this is precious and refined love. Once thought obsolete among human kind. And yet today the thrust of breath from deep waters. And so now filled with unity of grace where life begins again. Beauty in manifestation of souls splendor, we are. Now we watch fruition grow exponentially.

And our breath is the breath of sanctuary. Where all tears great and small are tears of relief. Hugs of loving compassion. Hearts minds of pure love. For we are the peacemakers and the Earth is our home. May we continue to build in great strides, formations which support our likenesses. May we forever breath the breaths of happiness in knowing that our faith is in an order of a divine and human nature. May our wisdoms be built upon divine truth that all may have clear access to their relationship with divine source as a child of love. May all come to know life as a gift and may all honor the gift of life in each other.

Ingratitude I am thankful
Jimi Tao

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024