2nd Interval

Post 3

Quality - Absolute Eternal Authenticity in Beautiful Splendors Peaceful Ease

1-4 (22)

1 Trinity of the Mind of Love

4 - Thread 4 - May Hope clearly bring moment of Grace and Reflective fragments of Light, that we may be Enlightened in Presence and Empowered in Faith.

Inloves connection ingenerosity

Within the mirrored reflections of crystalline rainbow forms, resides the eternal unseen.

Haiku (22)

Absolute Eternal Authenticity in Beautiful Splendors Peaceful Ease

Inloves connection ingenerosity

a. One dance in harmony

Why do you teach the children of love?
The White Lillies, the Monks, the Buddha's?
Because, because..........
The word of love.......
After having conquered the world,
Rises above the world.
The word of love
After having conquered the water,
Rises above the water.
These ..... in a world created by Love
Remain unsoiled by the world,
Remain unsoiled by the water.
Help them to Remember the beauty of love.

Willingness lives in the inbetween.
Inbetween the human heart and the souls hara.
Willingness is without urge or resistance.
Willingness is a natural state of freedom.
A freedom of expression.
So where does willingness come from?
In the first breath of tt,e Mind of Love,,,,,,,,,
In the nose and out the nose.........
Willingness lives in the First Trinity of the Mind of Love
Through Loves vision.
Vision in the mind of love remembers the eternal colors.
Colors of before time,
Colors of before space,
Colors of before sound
Colors of before knowing
Colors before understanding.
In the first breath of the mind of love,
The eternal colors new willingness to be
To play, to just notice,
To be Presence in I Am.
And eternity became the limitless
Vision of love.
Last breath................

Second Breath, In through the mouth, out through the nose.
Where does willingness live?
The vision to love life through the physical body of matter sense within the memory of humus.
In the physical body of matter of all existence,
Willingness lives within the functions organs.
A willingness of the senses to establish equanimity, health, wellbeing for the matter that we are.
And so it is that that body of matter does know self to regenerate as a constant life cycle.
Here the breath itself tickle s each cell in the physical form, causing the eternal movement that passions existence into become formations of unity.
Last breath.

In the third breath,
if the Third Trinity breath for Wisdom's Emotions, in through the nose and out through the nose.
Visions in connecting heart and hara spaces, the skin of our humanity and divinity.
Life giving fluidity through sustainability and maintainability
Expressions of loves visions through qualities for supportive tendernesses.

Fourth breath,
The fourth Trinity, visions from love
In the mouth and out the nose.
From love we do share our wholeness. Tears come from visions of love.
For it is from these visions that deep enduring gratitude does hold the drop of purity that reflects the visions of love through all its adulation'.
For it is the breath of life that does give each opportunity to share life, living,,,,,,,,the experience of love
in compassionate joy.
It is here in the forth breath that we become the sound, the song of creation.
The willingness to sing love into being.

inlove jimi

We are infinite Beings.

When we look at the Soul, that part of us that is both matter in a sense as being tangible, yet soul again being intangible.

Human, what makes me human?
What make me Soul?
Is soul different then spirit?

Within myself how do I find ME as Whole and yet parts, and my parts as being whole within the self, and again One within the Whole?

Here we look to INFINITY.

Infinity as being whole, eternal, limitless, chaotic and orderly, infinitesimal in form and concrete in shape. Also as being describable and indescribable............. etc and so on .........in the variations of this and that.

On our Soul journey, or that journey of the in between we find the transcendent self..........the world of the Soul. The Soul that has taken on, or more appropriately described as remembering it's True Nature as LOVE. Presence between here and there, this and that...... the infinite unexplainable in the sometimes conscious and sometime unconscious fluidity of the existential meaning and life without meaning.

Our soul has memories as described in the 9th Thread, in the Thread Book. In every life time our soul unclutteres the memory banks and these banks are filled with spirit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,energy which drives the human being as ego/soul whether conscious or unconscious. A conscious unified ego/soul has an awareness of it's decluttering and of its merge.

These are two very important intervals in the development of the DivineHuman Being.

In our work, you have been provided with numerous ways to discern your path, where are you on the path, how to ignite a spark which may kindle a curiosity, a movement, a glee. Move from the stagnate to the fluid.

I won't always be here to help you work through your processes in such a tangible way. So it is that I have given you so many methods to help you to learn about infinity: the eternal, the limitless, the boundary, the flexible, the inflexible .............and so forth and so on.

However I will always be with you as you are always with me. I want, desire, wish to teach you how to find the flame of loves connection within yourself that you may always, in a very instant meet and greet and be One with your Source, your LOVE. That you may teach others that suffering is relieved.

How is suffering relieved, but for one to know that they are loved by their Source and that nothing lives inbetween?

And how can we learn this, but by the kind compassion we give to ourselves and each other?

If someone comes to me and says, "I wish to know how ............I say, be kind first and then the pathway will open"

We are infinite Beings.

Basic minute Thought


  • 1st Trinity of the Mind of Love: Reason of Love
    "Actual Infinity - An actual Infinite is not a process in time; it is an infinity that wholly exists at one time." 1. Philosophy Internet Encyclopedia

  • 2nd Trinity - Compassion of Love: The Body of Matter
    "Potential Infinity - A potential swimmer can learn to become an actual swimmer, but a potential infinity can not become an actual infinity." 2. 1. Philosophy Internet Encyclopedia

    If you have an enlightenment of 12 awareness's, you must go half way through the awareness's (6) then the second half is divided by itself creating a whole with whole parts, which also are divided equally to the enth degree.

  • 3rd Trinity - Co-Operation of Love: Wisdom's Emotion for Love
    "Transcendental Infinity - Transcending human limits and detailed knowledge and might be incapable of being described by precise theory." 3. Philosophy Internet Encyclopedia

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