LSD 2/2014 - 5th Awareness Part 1 of 4

5th Awareness
Sacred Reflections: Center of Transformational Awareness
First Presented 11-11-2007

Part 1

Letter of Spiritual Direction
Inner Circle Teaching within the Halls of Healing

Dearest Friends
As I sit here this early morning waiting, anticipating the rising of the sun, Love holds each of you tenderly one by one in the compassionate and eternal embrace of Joy. I pray that each of you do find your way through the darkness of doubt, traveling freely into the light and dawn of the new day. May the eternal Halls of Healing renew and strengthen you in every way.

As the New Moon eclipses the sun this morning, I consider the wondrous significance of this time in our lives. We too travel through the natural order of rhythm, rhyme and eyele. We too follow the course of New Moon exploration of Light.

We are the crescent breath, the Being in discovery of a new and eternal way. We are in the process of self-discovery. We are on the path of discovery of those places hidden deep within the places mostly covered, rarely seen except on those small occasions when we get a glimpse of our shadow where an aspect of our hidden nature is revealed.

In our process and journey what we discover about ourselves as beautiful, joyful, amazingly wonderful, leaving us with a deep sense of connection and desire to delve more fully into self- examination. Some of what we learn about ourselves boggles our mind, shakes the foundation of our physical being and leaves us emotionally spent. It is in this place of dark being illuminated by light and light being covered by darkness, that we realize, discover and come to know and embrace who we truly are as individuals.

Like the New Moon eclipse of the Sun today, we are given a rare opportunity to see our dark side brought alive by light or enlightened. These rare occasions give us opportunity and courage to ask ourselves the hard questions, because we are held in a rare and universally generous way, where dark takes courage and allows light to shine upon it, warm it and be transformed by it. It is a time for allowing the fear of our secret self-most hidden away, to be tenderly revealed and held, transformed and recreated into the higher form of its highest potential and quality.

The hard question for us personally and for our world today is:
How has my own callous disregard for another,
impaired the natural order of care and concern offered for the whole?

The New Moon eclipse of the Sun today helps us to shine light on the shadow side of our life and reveals to us the opportunity to warm and heal that outer wound which has been left unattended.

As we move deeper into these times of great change and fast pace, we must be hyper diligent in knowing what attitude we project into and onto our world.

As Beings on the road of Divinity, we are called not to walk as Soul or ego alone, but to walk this Heavenly Earth path as a Diving Human Being. The time of lack of consideration, avoidance and sheltering shadow has past and is left in 4th world.

Our mission is kindness, courage, respect, clarity, vision and hope. As New Breed Healers we must STOP!!!! and allow the Chaos to be a part of our past. Stop, not for a moment, not for a day, but for all time.

We Remember that it is TODAY in this Eternal Time of Times, that the Akasie Records for New Earth Formation are being written and recorded.

What we experience today, what we focus on today, what we Love today is what is being formed for our future generations and for the next time of times. Do you understand this? Where do you live? What do you feel? How do you share? What is important to you? What are your dreams? These are the questions that the Akasic Records ask us. What are your answers and what do you bring forth for the future?

As People of Consciousness today, we are New Breed Healers, Amethyst Vision Seekers, we are Leaders, Teachers, Healers, Shamans, Beings of Great and wonderful Medicine. We must take the most inner road of integrity and lead the way past our own callous disregard and become Beings of Heart Mind Light.

Let us experience living our Life as Great Mother and Great Spirit in union and communion. Let us experience our life as earth in all Creation and Relation. Let us learn to live tenderly and love humanity, encouraging the further development and process through hope and consideration of another's plight. As New Breed Healers we must learn about ourselves (our self), and when we come to know SELF, recognize and state our personal Dream. We must then have the courage to share our dream and we must co-create the sacred space for others to dream and discover their Dream.

REMEMBER with Humility, the arms which held you tenderly and listened intentionally and intently as you discovered your frailty. Remember the sacred space that you were given. The place that you were given to discover you and your highest potential and dream. Now, in the natural order of giving and receiving, create and co-create this sacred space of your dream for others, that they might be able to experience the Divinely Sacred Being that they are.

Remember to give hope, there are many who experience despair and disappointment in their travels of the fourth world. Share laughter in Joy as often as you can, for this kind of happiness refreshes and renews the Energy Flow of Great Spirit. It is through this remembering that Great Mother becomes tender and able to endure the chance and changes of time.

Pay attention and be as clear as possible in your heart path. A clear heart will always renew intention and motivation. Words of the mind will rarely make a difference in one's life. Words born of the heart will bring clarity and vision to humanity.

Share what you have been given. You have been given all things. Possessions are for the purpose of delight. Share willingly your delight from the generosity of your inner most enlightened being.

We are here on this Earth Plane for One reason, to learn to Love Unconditionally. Unconditional Love requires that we learn to Be InLove Deeply without Attachment to the material and/or the outcome. Remember that truly we possess no-thing nor are we possessed by anything. Our own inner balance of Being Inlove Deeply and Allowance for All Life to continue in it's natural course of change and chance, BEGINS our experience of who we truly are.

Be a steward of Highest Intention being always mindful of your Dreams, your Needs, your Concerns and your Limitations.

Trust in your relationship with your Divine Source for this is the place where the essence of your Being truly exists.

Be in Allowance of Others and encourage dialogue and dreaming. Listen and Hear the dreams of another. Listen to their dreams, needs, concerns and limitations. Provide access for problem solving without solving the problem for them.

Be truthful in your word. Be honest in your heart. Be kind in your manner. These are the keys to the gateway where heaven meets earth.
Remember that harshness has a place in the Fourth World of Chaos, it is the focus quality which drives Ego.

Remember that Fifth World is driven by the Humility of Humanity, with Peace as its Highest Intention and Unity being the Dream. Strive for Peace through Humility and Unity will come.

As teachers and Lover's of Humanity, take great care of yourselves. Remember to take silence and renew your relationship daily with your Divine Source. Play and work everyday filling both with the Joy of laughter and happiness. Develop a rhythm in your life which celebrates all of your bodies and each aspect of your life in beauty and in joy. Renew the Hope of Great Mother Earth and Great Father Spirit by renewing your relationship with each as One. Reclaim every grain of sand as the sacred grain of all life in gratitude.
We are One Being living through our individual experience of our qualities. We bring forth our highest potential and mix our magic within the caldron of the eternal healing halls. In this Sacred Bowl of Life and Living, we are the Healing Humus of New Earth Formation.

Blessings and grace to each of you as you journey upon the path of Enlightenment. May your journey be happy and may you know the embrace of Divine Source.
Inlove and InPeace

Theme: Universal Service

Concepts: Four Immeasurable's:

  1. Love
  2. Compassion
  3. Joy
  4. Equanimity - 02-15-2014

Forth Concept-equanimity

Part I

  1. Read the letter of Spiritual Direction
  2. Using Equanimity answer this question, "How has my own callous disregard for another impaired the natural order of care and concern offered for the whole?"

Part 2: Using a quality not part of the Matrix, answer in equanimity the following:

  • Where do you live in equanimity in the quality of....
  • What do you feel in equanimity in the quality of....
  • How do you share equanimity in the quality of ....
  • What is important to you in equanimity in the quality of....
  • What are your dreams of equanimity in the quality of....

Part 3: Action - Prepare Food and Feed the Hungry
We as spiritual teachers are asking people to receive Soul food. In this offering let us examine how We meet people on a Soul level in our physical offering.

  1. In a group of 2-3 make an offering such as baking bread, small meals, cookies, or whatever we decide.
  2. Put two or three servings in a single container
  3. In this same group, go out and feed the hungry, ask if they can share.. Do not go alone. Do not cook along. This is Natural Order.
  4. Observe yourself, examine yourself.........where are you in giving and receiving? Again, Throughout this experience, notice your personal reactions with yourself.

Part 4: Re-answer questions through the lens of your experience
Part 5: Summarize your experience of equanimity through the lens of consistency and discrepancy.
Part 6: Make a statement about how equanimity can be more present in your life
On our call, share one inner experience of Soul to Soul Unity you have had while serving.

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024