3/2014 - Notes on Trans 1-5 of 5th thread

Divine Mystery/Human Mystery in Genuine Gratitude, Grateful for Life

1. Divine Mystery/ Human Mystery in Reason to Love

Ascension into Truth is fulfilled in Co-Creation Of Love. Divine Human being Ascends into Truth through the fullest expression Of Love. Here personal truth and divine truth are recognized and honored as New Dreams of wholeness in One Intention as Co-creation is activated through transubstantiation of form initiated in transmutation in dream. Ascension is embodied as

I Am Here and Fully Present In All That Is

2. Divine Mystery/Human Mystery in Gratitude for Life in the all our Aspects

There is a fullness which resides in the recesses of Great Mystery. A potential untapped, a golden resource full and living with the Heartbeat of Unification. This fullness can only be accessed through the co-mingling of energies of Harmony within and without the highest Conscious of Living Forms. Peaceful Ease lives here as Graceful Cherishment. Freewill participation is the Gravitational Excellence of Expanding Co-creation.

3. Divine Mystery/Human Mystery in Genuine Intention for Love



The new world was born.
As I carefully tread the path of my new life, I realize the importance of each passing moment. And though it is difficult to speak clearly to anyone of the things which pass in my mind, the thoughts which encompass my life, and the emotions which well up in gratitude, surprise and joy.........I am committed to be here, to help others find the way to peace and enlightenment.

I have been having light work done on my body. Last week LOVE did body work with me and cranial work opening up some space and my thinking has become clearer and more direct. Intuitively I follow divine guidance; questions of what I should or should not do are placed in proper perspective. I recognize my dilemmas as fears wanting to be spoken. And now I look at them and try to fully understand what they are one at a time, looking for the root, hoping that in my recognition, that the root might be lightened, sweetened and made useful.

I am reminded of the root which is nourished by the ground. It is here, in grounded balance that the stability of the root can take on nourishment in a solid and foundational way. It is in grounded balance of Spirit and Soul that the divine human being can fully be expressed and experienced as co-creator.

In my walk in the new world I see that all things that are created; are created responsibly. Each action and intention is held in a vibration of pure love and joy. No-thing is created that is not fully realized as pure relationship in and with Divine Love. I see the small bird created by the master, I see the yellow and red, I hear the song and the flight of wing and I see all the interlacing which makes it special, I experience co-creation. And when I hear this small bird's song, I feel its resonance throughout and through in.......and so on.

I reflect on this manifestation of life and love and our desires as human beings to touch, merge and integrate our divinity. Our desire to ascend fully experiencing life as whole and one. Our desire of ascension.

Clearly, though we use the word desire, for the dream must come first to open the gateway of manifestation, it is not desire but it is Beingness. It is in our very Beingness, in our silence and stillness that we hear the harmonic melodies, tunes, chorus and song of creation. The Song of Creation is the song of transformation that takes place every day when all right intention through beauty and joy are heard and seen and appreciated. And in this gratitude, the evolution of creation continues to spring forth more love. It is IN this moment of adoration that the song within resonating with the song outside of us touches our soul and beckons us to come forth with our own song our new song.

Our song sung from deep within our being wells up and the emotional realization that we are truly a part of something more wondrous than mind can conger, and now we know love. And we know love to be nothing less that all that is and nothing more than all that is. In this moment of realization we experience of awareness that there is no separation. Our minds flow, our heads feel as if the top has been lifted off, energy flows through our bodies as golden streams of light energy. And now we know the Power of Love, we know our divinity and we honor our life and lives, body and bodies as Divinely Human Beings.

Yet, we as human beings we forget or we shadow our divinity, by our certain fears of separation manifested only by our closing of our ears and the shutting of our eyes. Our fear of separation, hurt and disease IS A PARADOX, and it is only in loving our fear..... that shadow can be released and healed. The paradox sits Here at the seat of humility, the humus of life. The humus of richness where the bitter root can flourish and become sweet fruit. Where 'we' the plant can take hold and the flower bud becomes strong, flourishes and reseeds the earth.

At the time of death and burial we have heard, 'from dust you were created and unto dust you return' we understand ourselves to be humans made from the earth.' At times of transition and death, whether spiritual, emotional, mental or physical, we return to humility. We return to earth. Earth is mother, womb........she which has held us, fed us, and nurtured us even when we were too young or unaware to know her benefit to us. During these times of transition we come to the place of humility as Surrender. This is different than humiliation, Mother Earth has no room for judgment and this is the confusion which leads us into fear. Humility vs. Humiliation.

Humiliation is a human term used to describe a misunderstanding of the mother/child relationship. It is both a personal interpretation and a tool used by those who wish to use control as a manner to hide their own fears. Humiliation is unnecessary and fundamentally invalid in relation to Oneness. In Oneness, In Love and in relationship to humility or surrender humiliation does not exist. Humus is the rich soil which manifests growth, renewal, beauty and joy.

Humus is the soil of newness this is co-creation. Today we surrender with great humility within to our own process of Being ness.


4. Divine Mystery/Human Mystery in Genuine Gratitude, Grateful for Life

The Prophet, "And He closed his eyes and he prayed in the silences of his soul"

I dream again of friendship and I see my friends in a mirror held within containers separate from me.
I see myself watching. I feel happy of these friendships yet they are untouchable in human form. I weep. I weep in joy and in sorrow and I am mindful to open my heart in gratitude for this new day.

Its warm and I like waking to the warmth of day.
Today I wake to the warmth of life of this earth plane and I want to find gratitude.

I hear the crashing of glass with the garbage pickup. I get out of bed after planning my day. I am intentional in not allowing the 'whys' of unknowns to break my heart any further.

Ego/Soul Unity
On this day I awaken and there is gratitude and peace which lives within, whose source is mysterious to me. As Mother who brings forth children even from Labor. There is a Hope which lives within this Mystery, a Light in clouded skies.

There is a "NO OPINION" which guides me today, for opinion can only serve sorrow this day.

Today is a day to put together links of Love.

That today, I Be of No Opinion, that I may 'enter into the silences of my soul' and remember Love as a Grain of Sand. We are not here for one, but for many and for all. So it is that 'Reason to Love' is lifted to the Great Mystery.

And I listen to the snow melt from roof tops and tree limbs and watch the grass and trees and earth moisten, giving Hope where Hope within one is lost. For Mother does hold Eternally that which has No Reason in the smallness of the Human Mind.

So today it is best to know the task before me. The mundane which allows my soul the Inner weeping in silences. Giving no thought to this or that. My actions are only to connect the Joys of Memory in Reasons Unknown, Surrendering my opinion as none.

I watch blue skies and the sun clouded by a single cloud, thus bringing a chill.

And so today I pray in the silences of my soul,

Just for today, let me turn my head and focus upon the mundane, that the sorrow does not overcome my existence.

Just for today let the garden and soil of Great Mother Earth sooth and give balance to our Ego/Soul Unity and our Friendships in Humanity.

Just for today let the Sun of Great Spirit warm the Ice desolations of our Human Fragmentations.

Just for today, let comfort Be our guide, that renewal may come without opinion of destructions without reason.

"Let us close our eyes and pray in the silences of our Soul"

© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024