Contemplation: Eternal Discipline SanAtna

Sacred Reflections: Center for Transformational Awareness

Contemplations in Understanding
Co-Creation through Surrender and Freewill
By Willow Tequillo

Intensive examination and exercises in SanaTna- eternal discipline

Dear Students,
This next period of study is an intensive study of self/SELF. There are six lessons.
Please take 3 days for each lesson. This is not a race. This is a test in focus.
strength, endurance, perseverance, clarity, honesty, self-discipline and self-examination.
All written dialogue is to be written in first person. First person statements begin with "I", i.e., "I Am .."

May your journey bring you clarity and stability.
Blessed Be.
let us begin.....

To examine where inner decisions and intentions are being personally held and honored. This soul/ego exercise is developed to help each individual find answers in their own personal truth to the questions:

  • Do I Remember who I am?
  • How do I honor the qualities of my Being?

Exploration of the concepts of Surrender, Freedom, Freewill, and Co-Creation.

To gain clarity in my own person truth.

Lesson 1: What do I know about Surrender?

Consider the following statements in reflection of your process in understanding surrendering. Through this process of surrender answer the statements true of false.
Use "I Am" before each statement.

I Am-

  • Examining my deepest relationship of self with myself.
  • Trusting myself to make the right choices for me.
  • Being safe while sharing with another human being my deepest heart process.
  • Knowing myself to be the golden child of Divine Love.
  • Freely participating in my divine relationship within myself and my Creator.
  • Honoring the gift of Freewill and Freedom.
  • A conscious active participant in the Co-Creation of My Life.

Consideration of the following and write a statement.

  • Take time to contemplate the following. "I know myself to be
    which is (consistent or inconsistent) with who I am created to be."
  • Define the following: Surrender, Freedom, Freewill, and Co-Creation
  • Write a statement.
Name ___________________________________ Submission Date _____________________

Lesson 2: Honoring the gift of Freewill and Freedom.

Consider the following statements which speak to Freedom and Freewill. True or False.

  1. I honor the gift of my Freewill and Freedom of others by setting boundaries.
  2. I set boundaries which honor my desire to Be in harmony and relation with the highest Intention of Divine Will and Grace.
  3. I know the Highest Intention of Divine Will and Grace to Be Joy.
  4. In Grace I set boundaries for myself and others which honor my personal space, time and action which serve my highest intention of what I hold sacred in my life.
  5. I identify with my heart the truths about the Freedom found in Boundary.

When I set boundaries:

  • I honor myself by letting myself know that I respect the safety, joy and happiness which I wish in my life.

  • I honor others by letting them know I can and want to be responsible for the safety, joy, and happiness in my own life.

  • I honor others by giving them the freedom to pay attention to their own lives.

I honor the Us of our relationship by giving Us the gift of freedom in equal participation.
Through this freedom:

  • We can experience ourselves as individuals.

  • I can be me because I know my own needs.

  • Others can be themselves because they do not have to always be taking care of what they think I need.

  • We can cherish our relationship because we are allowing ourselves and each other the opportunity to take responsibility for our own attitudes, behaviors, choices and actions.

Name ___________________________________ Submission Date _____________________

Lesson 3: Lost and Bound

Consider the following statements which speak to Freedom and Freewill. True of False.

I dishonor the gift of Freewill and Freedom when I play the game of Lost and Bound.
The game of Lost and Bound reflects a linear understanding of separation as being the painful source of scarcity and abandonment.

  1. I know that I am playing the game of Lost and Bound when:

    • I give my power to another person, place or thing.

    • I let someone else live my life for me.

    • I let someone else live my life for me and create a victim role for myself.

I give away my personal power and truth when I allow others to decide what I want and what I need.

  • By being afraid to say 'no' to another because of my fear of loosing someone or something.

  • By being afraid to say 'yes' to myself for fear of being bound by another persons aggression and need for control.

I know I am playing the game of Lost and Bound when:

  • I give my power to another.
    When I give my power to someone outside of me, I have no power to respond to my personal desire or need. I have through my own freewill given myself away.

When I play the game of Lost and Bound:

  • I invalidate myself.

  • I invalidate myself and I become angry and blaming and go outside myself, seeking my worthiness and responsibility for my life with someone or something outside of me.

Stop. Consider.

  • Do I want to go outside myself for validation or invalidation? Why?

  • Do I need to seek someone else's understanding of my life? Why?

  • Do I need approval, validation and acceptance from that which is outside of me? Why?

Name ___________________________________ Submission Date _____________________

Lesson 4: Examination of Honor

Consider the following statements which speak to freedom and freewill. True or False:

Examination of what I honor:

  • I know that I am going within and honoring my life when I question where and how am I allowing Others to make choices for me
  • I know that by giving away my responsibility for my own life to the illusion of scarcity in separation, I am making a choice to continue in behaviors which support the multi-dimensions of Duality
  • I know that no matter what "stroke" I receive from the outside, whether it be comfort or disruption, It will ultimately lead me to a judgmental attitude.

If I refuse to create a (space) center within my Being which validates who I Am for Me And from there I will use the worldly manipulations of blame and shame to fill my intentions of Separation through Lost and Bound within the endless void of my being

Reflect for some time where you are personally in the game of Lost and Bound. Ask and in writing answer the following questions:

  • How do I participate or not participate in the game of unconsciously giving life away?
  • How do I consciously or unconsciously choose to be the victim of scarcity?

Write an Ego/Soul dialogue with your relationship of this game.

  • What does Ego say to Soul about this game?
  • What does Soul say to Ego?

Through this process of Understanding:


Quit the game of Lost and Bound

Create agreements between Ego and Soul which co-create a balanced trust in making decisions. Create a fruitful place for your Divine Sacred Intention to manifest and grow in harmony with flow and least resistance.

Name ___________________________________ Submission Date _____________________

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