Divine Intention of Separation

Lesson 5: Divine Intention of Separation as Beauty and Joy of Co-Creation

Consider the following statements which speak to freedom and freewill. True or False.

  • Divine intention of separation is Co-Creation
  • Co-Creation is the freewill participation of every Being to Be Free Participants in the Process of Creation in Beauty and Joy,
I Embrace myself with an understanding of Freedom and Co-Creation

In Freedom and Freewill, I take this time to actively participate in the creation of a sacred space

  • Within me
  • Which is Sole/y and Soul/y mine

For the purpose

  • Of knowing "Me" as Love
  • To know "Me" as Love
  • For knowing "Me" as Love
  • From knowing "Me" as Love

Examine the above statement regarding the Divine Intention of Separation.

  • What are your thoughts?
  • What does it mean to create time?
  • Space?
  • What does it meant to Be in active action within self, for self, for the Soul/Ego purpose of examining the concepts of "Knowing Me as Love?"
  • Examine your inner heart connection with these agreements.
  • Write a statement of what it means to you to be a Freewill Participant in your life.
  • Would you be willing and able to consciously, in full awareness sign a contract such as this with yourself?
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