Women's Circle
Women’s Circle
© 4-15-2018
I bring this offering of a Women's Circle to us out of a need.
I wonder what need calls me to find you and have a desire to know you and to sit with you.
I dream of a place where we can sit quietly in the presence with one another and to honor our journey. A place where life seems easy and open and delightful. A place where we can be women of delight and gentleness.
Are you interested in this dream?
I wonder why you are here?
What are you looking for?
What are your desires and needs?
What are your dreams?
I became inspired to have an open a space for a Women's Circle when I joined Contemplative Life Organization. I came across the Global Women's Group and was inspired when I sat and meditated with women around the world.
I loved it and it's teaching, however, I know that there is something different that I want to bring to a Women's Circle. There are many kinds of circles and I have been part of circles my whole life.
I am wondering if you are interested in an Uplifting Inspiration Circle. I feel that there are so many places where we can vent, and consider trauma, examine woundedness and shelter fear.
I am wondering if there is a place inside of you where you might want to plant and nourish the seeds of endowments of Joy?
I offer this space for you and me and us and a growing place for our world and universes.
May we be blessed.
Tonight I would like to begin by just getting to know each other.
Who are we?
Why are we here?
Naming our Circle:
Each person give a Letter. We all take the letter back and come up with a name for our circle. We will post on the forum our proposed name by our next meeting.
There is a forum area for our Women's Circle.
Should you wish to share a joyous moment, you may post.
If you are in need of personal help, you can reach out to me and we can make an appointment to talk.
The Women's Circle area is strictly for Celebration ofJoy.
Do mirror work for three days. See yourself.
How is your joy?
Role of receiving for me is relegated to trust- and Khaibet would suggest that receiving isn't safe.
Joy has to be embraced by trust, so for me I have come to realize that joy is a choice- always presentand possible in the vision of what works and what doesn't work .....trust of self.
Need to understand compassion to connect with joy. Joy cannot come without compassion. Learn about empathetic compassion...in culture we move from sympathetic compassion with its many hooks .....and joy cannot be present..issues of worthiness come to the surface that need to be broken through.....the IOU's.
Moving into empathetic compassion we begin to understand own and others worth, heart becomes open, joy is experienced. Following ROL teaches the balance in own life causing you to be compassionate to self...made of structure that is specific...
Equanimity...look at where you are born.... what trinity are you born in. Equanimity says that whatever trinity I was born in allows me to learn about the others. If born in joy, will learn about compassion, or won't learn a lot of joy. Like baking a cake- the ingredients make a cake, not about equality......whatever it takes to make a cake is what we have...ratio of salt to flour....So it is the same with us, whatever it takes.. must have realization that our eternal aspects are equal, they mean the same, same amount of time and energy.. love, compassion and joy.
When in equanimity, we open heart space to prayer. Supplication is of the mind, prayer is of the heart where there is communication of equanimity that opens us up to presence. Opening yourself up in prayer is equanimity.
HOMEWORK ..Take prayers from eternal aspects andcreate a prayer.
Page 13, look at what you wrote about Home. Read them all, choose one.....13.20,27
Gratitude for a place of beauty, creativity and reflection.
That is your prayer .. Put all cherishment statements in·abox, use as support in other aspects.
Take a week and paint one eternal aspect/week. This week paint home
Follow sequence..make it uniform..8 paintings.
Check in in four weeks
Do whole meditation- all breaths, rather than silence, paint one aspect for 7 days.
Start whole meditation today,
Start mirror work today, on Monday start eternal aspects with painting.
Complete painting of one aspect, paint home for a week, then do prayer with other aspects in like manner.
Get into practice of own rhythm.
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024