Finding Our Way Home
Teaching how to find our own inner heart resonance so that we can find our way home.
Heart's resonance guides us home.
Do you know your way home?
Where is home?
What is Jimi teaching?
When we feel we have achieved that, we have two choices:
- Go away, our work is complete OR
- Become teachers!
Ego/Soul has to know home....
Teaching requires empathy, and empathy comes from understanding our heart resonances.
Our heart resonances teach us how to find our home, where we learn to speak the language of empathy, and where we understand humility.
Taking a course or audit a course..there may be a reason to do both or either.
However, each requires compliance in the way of assignments, attendance, and assimilation of material...
What is not allowed is criticism and undermining of the professor ........ one can leave the class, not attend, ask for a different class, but I don't know of
any setting of learning where the teacher is disrespected or dishonored by students without concrete consequences such as withdrawal or disciplinary actions.
© JiMiTao-ABeautyWay 2024